Technical Programme

Welcome to NIME2014! We are delighted to host the 14th edition of the New Interfaces for Musical Expression conference for the first time in the UK. As novel forms of interaction are increasingly found in everyday technologies, with impressive computational power in smaller and smaller devices, new interfaces are no longer exotic. In the late Mark Weiser’s words, “The most profound technologies are those that disappear.”

The full assimilation of sophisticated technologies into everyday life means that interfaces and modes of interaction are increasingly in the public consciousness. This creates an opportunity for the NIME community to extend the reach of our work to new publics. At the same time, the fact that interactive technologies are now commonplace does not mean that people automatically understand their richness. Alongside the potential for opening up, we have the prerogative as a research discipline to advance the science of musical interaction.

It is with these two mutually reinforcing thrusts that we present NIME2014: The scholarly conference with cutting edge research published as papers, presented as posters and demos, shared in workshops, performed and exhibited. This year we open up a significant part of the programme to the general public. The keynote talk/performances are open to the general public. All concerts and installations are public events, taking place at Goldsmiths and across a range of venues in town, connecting us to the thriving London music scene. And we have added a full day to the programme as an open day, including a hackathon, Unconference, public discussion panels, and an open jack gig.

Looking forward to seeing you all at NIME2014!


Rebecca Fiebrink
Atau Tanaka
NIME2014 General Chairs

Access to the Technical Programme sessions requires conference registration. Registered conference attendees have free access to all our concerts and exhibitions.

Please click here for Tuesday at XOYO, and click here for Thursday at Corsica Studios.

Please see below an overview schedule of the Technical Programme.

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