Registration Fees

STUDENT online/on-site
160 CNY
Early-bird REGULAR online/on-site through April 24th
660 CNY
REGULAR online/on-site after April 25th
880 CNY

Please indicate whether you will be attending on-site when paying fee (payment link below) for statistical purposes. An on-site registration also includes access to the entire online conference.

Payment Links

Attendees can make the payment in one of the following ways:

1) Pay by Epay (by Alipay or WeChat Pay)

2) Pay by Flywire (by bank transfers, online banking and credit/debit cards from non-Chinese Mainland bank accounts)

Note: For the “Participant type” field, please only select one starting with NIME 2021.

  • From UTC+0 June 14 16:00, conference registrations will be processed three times per day.
  • You will know that your registration has been processed when you receive an email invitation to the NIME2021 Slack workspace.
  • Your Slack invitation will go to the email address that you register with.
  • If you register and do not receive an email invitation in 12 hours, please send an email to

Scholarship Information

Ableton is proud to sponsor a number of students and regular registrations for NIME 2021 in collaboration with the NIME diversity committee. The NIME diversity committee’s mission is to help broaden the NIME community and improve inclusivity and respect especially towards under-represented groups, be that in regards to gender, ethnicity, disability, area of study, or financial ability. If you feel you could benefit from a scholarship to cover your registration, please apply. As places are limited, please do not apply if you are able to get funding through your affiliate institution.

To be eligible you must complete the application form:

The application is short and simple, requesting some personal data and asking you to justify in 250 words or less why you are applying for funding and why we should fund you. The first round of applications will close by 19th April (GMT midnight) in order for the diversity committee to award scholarships prior to the April 24th early bird registration deadline. We apologize for the short notice. If not all registration scholarships are claimed, we will hold further rounds until all scholarships have been claimed. Preference will be given to those who have a submission accepted to NIME 2021 but all are welcome to apply.

Travel Guidance

Due to the ongoing pandemic situation, many countries, including China, have instituted travel restrictions. If you are planning to attend the conference in person and will be traveling from outside of China, please insure that you have met the Chinese government’s travel requirements, as well as those of any countries that you need to pass through. Some countries currently require COVID-19 test results within a certain time prior to travel. China currently requires a quarantine period after arrival; your travel schedule will need to take these times into account. NIME is unable to advise or facilitate travel; your best sources of information are your country’s government (for example, in the U.S., the U.S. State Department). the Chinese consulate in your country; and, if you have an institutional affiliation, your organization’s travel department.

17日线下注册(onsite day)人数已经几近饱和,能否参加线下活动请以确认邮件为准。

Important Dates

All deadlines are 23:59 Anywhere on Earth Time Zone (UTC - 12)

Early-bird registration deadline
April 24th, 2021
Pre-conference workshops
June 14th, 2021
The Conference
June 15th-18th, 2021