NIME2021 Guide for Attendees

What are the main events in NIME 2021?

NIME 2021 program includes:

  • Five online tracks: (pre-conference) Workshops, Papers, Art Installations, Music, and Work-in-Progress Showcases.
  • Online invited Keynote presentations by Roger Dannenberg, Yann LeCun, and AnnMarie Thomas, and a Plenary closing session including our Awards.
  • Online social events to bring together our community of hundreds of participants from all over the world.
  • Live streaming of events from our innovative on-site day (June 17th) in Shanghai, including spotlight invited presentations and demonstrations, and a live concert, joining our worldwide community from live venues at NYU-Shanghai’s campus.

What are our online platforms?

Slack is the online conference hub, along with our website at We have Zoom meetings for the Workshop and Papers track events, Zoom Webinars for Keynotes and Plenary Sessions, Youtube and Bilili steams for Music track events, and for conference socials. (All registered participants are sent a Slack invitation to their registered email. A conference guide to Slack, Zoom, and our website can be found here.)

What is the onsite event day?

The onsite event day is scheduled for June 17th (Shanghai time). We aim to provide a nice interface between the NIME community and Chinese scholars whose research is NIME-related (but who may not be familiar yet with, or published in, the NIME community).

The whole-day program features the live-streamed Keynote by AnnMarie Thomas, followed by invited Spotlight talks by local scholars taking place in NYU Shanghai’s auditorium. We also have several onsite installations and showcases. The Keynote session will be in a Zoom Webinar and include question/answer time from participants worldwide. The Spotlight sessions will be streamed in a Zoom Webinar. The live concert is in the evening, followed by the late-night Music Algorave Club.

NYU Shanghai is located at 1555 Century Ave, Pudong, Shanghai, 200122.

How will the Keynotes be presented?

We are honored to have Roger Dannenberg, Yann LeCun,and AnnMarie Thomas as our Keynote speakers this year. All Keynotes are presented live in Zoom Webinar. Each Keynote talk will be followed by live Q&A with the Keynote Speaker. (Note that for time zone access equity, Prof. Dannenberg and Prof LeCun’s Keynotes will have a second session of live Q&A approximately 13 hours later, each preceded by a recorded replay of their talk. Please check those times in the schedule).

How will the Papers be presented?

This year we are using a new strategy: for all Papers (long, short, demo), presentation videos are publicly available on our website (so please watch them beforehand, they are really short!), and Slack and Zoom will be used for paper-poster sessions, during which authors and attendees communicate. Authors can refer to our Guide for Paper Authors and Presenters.

We have six paper-poster sessions, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, each with sixteen parallel papers. These sessions each have a Slack channel (#paper-poster-session-1, #paper-poster-session-2, etc.). Inside each of these Slack channels, the Zoom link for live discussion will be posted, and each paper within the session has an individual breakout room. The session authors will be available live in Zoom twice during the conference: each session has an A and a B time. (1A & 1B have the same papers, 2A & 2B have the same papers, etc.; A and B are 12 hours apart to accommodate the time zones attendees from all over the world.)

For each Paper there is also an individual Slack channel (in the format of paper-session number-Last name of 1st author, e.g., #paper-4-06-wu). The papers can be discussed asynchronously in the Slack channels anytime! To keep the left pane of your Slack concise, these individual channels are not visible when you first join the NIME2021 slack workspace; you can browse these hidden channels in Slack or click on a channel link from the paper’s page on the website.

How will Music be presented?

Music will be premiered in sessions streamed on both YouTube and Bilibili. Sessions include prerecorded and live formats. Certain special live sessions will also be available for audience participation through unique platforms hosted by the authors.

Please see information on all of these sessions in the Slack #music channel, and in the program schedule on the conference website YouTube and Bilibili channels.

How will the Workshops be presented?

Workshops are included with registration for the conference. We ask that you register for the workshops you wish to join using either of these forms: the link for the registration form (or this form if the other one doesn’t work for you.)

Workshops take place on June 13-14 (UTC +0 time). Each workshop has its own channel in the conference Slack workspace, and its own Zoom meeting. If you are registered for a workshop, you will be added to its Slack channel. Prior to the scheduled workshop time, our student volunteers will post the link to the Zoom meeting in each workshop Slack channel.

How will the Installations be presented?

Installation information and media may be viewed on the installation page and we will be using Slack for asynchronous discussion.

Your Slack has a channel about the Installation track, #installation. Also, each Installation publication has an individual Slack channel (in the format of #installation-number-Last name of 1st author, e.g., #installation-1-duham). The installations can be discussed asynchronously in the Slack channels anytime! To keep the left pane of your Slack concise, these individual channels are not visible when you first join the NIME2021 slack workspace; you can browse these hidden channels in Slack or click on a channel link from the paper’s page on the website.

What are Work-In-Progress Showcases and how will they be presented?

The work-in-progress showcase track or in short, the showcase track, is a new one for NIME2021. This category is especially suitable for submissions from young professionals, students, and first-time NIME attendees.

All works are available on the showcase page of our website. Your Slack has a channel about the Showcase track, #work-in-progress-showcase.

Each WIPS publication has an individual Slack channel (in the format of #showcase-number-Last name of 1st author, e.g., #showcase-1-wang). The showcases can be discussed asynchronously in the Slack channels anytime! To keep the left pane of your Slack concise, these individual channels are not visible when you first join the NIME2021 slack workspace; you can browse these hidden channels in Slack or click on a channel link from the paper’s page on the website.

How do I use NIME 2021 Slack?

A Slack technical guide can be found here.

What is the Code of Conduct of NIME2021?

NIME2021 adheres to the NIME Code of Conduct which is dedicated to a harassment-free conference experience for everyone.

Please let us know what we can do to enhance your NIME 2021 experience.

NIME 2021 committee