Call For Workshops

NIME 2021 welcomes the submission of Workshop Proposals. Workshops may be in any area of NIME themes or topics.

Typical NIME workshops have been half-day or full-day workshops, with some specialized workshops with shorter times (one or two hours).

A submission includes:

  • Workshop Title
  • Speaker List: Include Workshop organizer(s) with short bio(s) up to 200 words including background relating to proposed topic, and affiliation and contact information. Include additional speakers name(s), affiliation(s), and contact information.
  • Workshop Description up to 750 words, clearly describing the topic and nature of the workshop.
  • Short Description up to 70 words, for conference program.
  • Preferred length of workshop (half-day, full-day, or number of hours).
  • Description of technical and space requirements (e.g. projector, speakers, computers, soldering equipment, etc.), Please include information on contingencies for in-person, virtual, and blended modes, and whether virtual and blended formats are possible for this Workshop.
  • Optional links to supporting audio, visual, and/or online documentation, e.g. a workshop web page. Any media materials should use an unrestricted streaming service such as Vimeo or Bilibili.
Workshop Review Process:

Workshops will be curated by the Workshop co-chairs and associated review committee, based on the Workshop proposal’s relevance to the NIME conference and conference theme, and feasibility. As a result, the feedback on these curated acceptances and rejections will be limited. Workshop proposal submissions are not anonymized.

Submission Guide:

NIME uses two steps for a submission: Create your submission on PubPub, our multimedia platform for publication and then submit it through CMT, our conference management system. To submit a workshop proposal to NIME 2021, follow these steps (an illustrated guide to this process is forthcoming):

  1. Create an account on PubPub if you do not have one already.
  2. Create a Pub — Click the "Create Workshop Submission" button on the PubPub Submissions page. This will be your submitted workshop proposal and will eventually be published if accepted by the review process. Save the URL for future reference.
  3. Follow this template to create your submission. The easiest way to follow the template is to copy-paste it into your own Pub, where it will be available for quick reference. Of course, you will ultimately delete or replace everything from the template with your own content.
  4. Download your Pub as a PDF. Find the "Download" button to the right of the title near the top of your Pub.
  5. Upload the PDF to the CMT, NIME2021's conference management system.

Important Dates

All deadlines are 23:59 Anywhere on Earth Time Zone (UTC - 12)

Paper submission deadline
January 22nd, 2021
Paper final submission upload deadline
January 31st, 2021
Music and Installation submission extended deadline
February 10th, 2021
Music and Installation extended final submission upload deadline
February 19th, 2021
Work-In-Progress Showcases and Workshops submission deadline
March 1st, 2021
Notification of acceptances and rejections
March 15th-19th, 2021
Camera ready submission deadline
April 10th, 2021
Early-bird registration deadline
April 24th, 2021
Pre-conference workshops
June 14th, 2021
The Conference
June 15th-18th, 2021


General co-chairs:
Paper co-chairs:
Workshop co-chairs:
Music co-chairs:
Showcase co-chairs:
Installation co-chairs:
Sponsorship chair: