May 26-28 2005 | Vancouver, Canada

Submission Information: Papers, Reports, Posters, Demos

Papers chair: Sergi Jorda
Papers committee: Sergi Jorda, Martin Kaltenbrunner, Sile O'Modhrain, Ivan Poupyrev, Sidney Fels, Tina Blaine

The submissions website for papers, reports, posters and demos is now open.

Important Dates:

Submission deadline has been extended until MIDNIGHT PST on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2005.

Submission deadline: January 31, 2005
Notification of acceptance: March 21, 2005
Early registration deadline: April 15, 2005*
Final paper submission deadline: April 15, 2005

* Authors must pay an early registration fee by April 15, 2005 to have a paper included in both the program and proceedings.

Submission Categories:

Research papers:

  • Research papers present new and original contributions to the field. Relevant previous work is discussed and the originality of the contribution is explicitly demonstrated, including its advantages and drawbacks compared to the existing literature.
  • Length: 6 pages in the proceedings


  • Design and usability reports on new interfaces for musical expression. If possible, a demo during the conference is suggested.
  • Length: 4 pages in the proceedings


  • Posters are similar to design reports, but differ from them on the presentation method: posters will benefit from a highly interactive environment. Each poster presentation will last for the whole session time and posters will be displayed for more than a session, so that the visibility of the work is increased.
  • Length: 4 pages in the proceedings


  • NIME 2005 invites demonstration of working prototypes of new musical instruments and interfaces. Successful applications in this category will be given a space to demonstrate their work during the conference.
  • Length: 2 pages in the proceedings


Only submissions in PDF format will be accepted.

Please use the templates provided by ACM SIG for your paper. Templates are available for both Microsoft Word and LaTeX. If you decide to use the Word templates, be sure to use the paragraph styles defined in the template instead of manually formatting your text. Then create your PDF file. See the NIME 2004 online proceedings for formatted paper samples.

Please note that the "Categories and Subject Descriptors" and "General Terms" sections may be deleted from the ACM templates. However, please keep the "Keywords" section and choose a few words to help categorize your paper. In addition, the ACM copyright box on the first page should be deleted.

Please submit your completed paper using the submission interface.

If you have any problems or questions, please contact Sergi Jorda.