May 26-28 2005 | Vancouver, Canada



In association with NIME 2005, The International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression

Note: Please head to the registration desk in the FSC Atrium to pick up your conference materials before heading to the workshop in room 1613.

For the latest updates on the workshop, please visit the main workshop page at the Viktoria Institute.


In the late 1970's, the Walkman liberated recorded music - it allowed you to carry the listening room with you. Today, iPods and mobile phones allow new forms of private and social music experiences. What are the trends in mobile music technology? What kinds of new modes of musical interaction are becoming possible? Will peer-to-peer sharing and portable MP3 players destroy the music business - or will new technology let artists reach more people than ever before?

This event is the second in a series, following a successful first workshop in Sweden in 2004. We invite contributions from practitioners and researchers from all areas, including technology development, content creation, music distribution and community building. The program will consist of paper presentations and break-out sessions, plus posters and a demo evening co-organized with the main NIME conference.

The number of participants will be limited. All accepted paper and poster authors will be guaranteed place at the workshop (only one place per accepted submission is guaranteed but more may be offered depending on space). In addition we may offer additional places for participants who have not submitted.

Don't miss this chance to help shape the mobile music landscape of the future!

Paper Submissions

Format: up to 8 pages in ACM SIG publications format

We invite workshop papers presenting new approaches for mobile music, including technologies for listening, creation and sharing. Potential topics include but are not limited to implemented or projected mobile music systems, legal issues, enabling technologies, user studies, ethnographic fieldwork, interface design, social implications, and other areas relevant to mobile music. Accepted paper authors will be given a time slot during the workshop for presentation and discussion of their work.

Poster Submissions

Format: 2 pages in ACM SIG publications format

We also invite you to contribute posters that document your work or ideas in mobile music technology. We will arrange a poster presentation session where attendees can discuss the work with authors.


Paper and poster presenters are also encouraged to bring a demonstration to complement the poster. State in your submission if you are interested in presenting your work at the demo session.


To submit a paper or a poster, please send your submission in the ACM SIG publication format, preferably as a PDF file, to both and In the subject line, state MOBILE MUSIC WORKSHOP SUBMISSION and the name of the main author.


Submission deadline: February 28, 2005
Notification of acceptance: March 25, 2005
Early registration deadline: April 15, 2005
Final paper submission deadline: April 29, 2005

Registration and Accommodation

The workshop will be part of the NIME 2005 conference and will take place on the day before the main conference.

All information on registration and accomodation will be available at the main NIME conference home page.


Lars Erik Holmquist and Lalya Gaye
Future Applications Lab
Viktoria Institute, Sweden

Atau Tanaka
Sony CSL Paris

Review Committee

The papers and posters will be reviewed by a committee consisting of people active in the mobile music area, including participants of the previous Mobile Music technology workshop.