May 26-28 2005 | Vancouver, Canada

Submission Information: Improv Sessions (NEW THIS YEAR)


For the first time at NIME there will be semi-organized improvisation sessions where scientists, engineers, artists and performers can interact with one another. Different configurations and groups will be put together based on types of sensors used for gesture recognition, genre of sound-mapping, ethnomusicological controllers, rhythm vs soundscape controllers, interfaces with motors, etc. There will be 3 Improv Sessions in the afternoons everyday during lunch and then a final jam concert party on the final night. For more information contact the Improv Sessions Chair, Ajay Kapur.

Interested participants should submit via email a short description (plain text format only, - NOT attached/encoded/Word!) of the work including ALL of the following:

  • Name
  • Institution
  • Address
  • Email
  • Controller Name
  • Sensors on Controller (FSR, Knobs, Video, Capacitace, etc)
  • Detailed list of technical requirements (sound, cables, etc.)
  • Linked URL for demo/sample/performance movie (QuickTime or MPEG or AVI)
  • Close up picture of your Controller
  • Genre: ex, Rhythm, soundscape, melodic, chordal, etc.
  • Music Software: pd, max/msp, chuck, aura, gaia, etc.
  • Type of computer/OS