Call for papers

We welcome submissions of original scientific and artistic research on the creation, use, and ethical and sociocultural implications of new interfaces for musical expression.


Original contributions are encouraged in, but not limited to, the following topics:
  • Approaches on decolonising music and musical interfaces
  • Studies or reviews of non-Western musical epistemologies and pedagogies
  • Novel controllers, interfaces or instruments for musical expression
  • Augmented, embedded and hyper instruments
  • Technologies or systems for collaborative music-making
  • Discussions about the artistic and cultural impact of NIMEs
  • Reflections on the ethical, environmental, societal, and political impact of NIMEs
  • Critical analysis of existing commercial, academic or artistic NIME practice
  • Historical, theoretical or philosophical discussions about designing or performing with NIMEs
  • Easier/cheaper approaches to the design of bespoke and customizeable accessible instruments
  • Strategies that improve the reach and replicability of one-off accessible instrument projects, particularly those that are unlikely to have full commercial potential
  • Musical interfaces designed by/with disabled/neurodiverse musicians
  • Practice-based research approaches/methodologies/criticism
  • Music-related human-computer interaction
  • User studies and evaluations of NIMEs
  • Interactive sound art and sound installations
  • New music performance paradigms
  • Gesture to sound mapping
  • Sonic interaction design
  • Musical robotics
  • Sensor and actuator technologies for NIMEs
  • Interface protocols and data formats supporting musical interaction
  • Machine learning and artificial intelligence in NIMEs \
  • Pedagogical perspectives and/or student projects in NIME-related courses

Submission types

We welcome submissions in the following categories:
  1. Full paper (up to 5000 words in proceedings, optional demo)
  2. Short paper (up to 3000 words in proceedings, optional demo)
The word count is for the article’s main text. It does not include title, abstract, acknowledgment, ethics statement, references, or appendices. Presentation formats (talks, posters and demos) will be announced later and will be similar for full and short papers.

Submission process

NIME papers will be using Pubpub, a multimedia platform for publication. Authors will create submissions there, export them as PDFs, and submit them for review through the NIME 2022 Conference Management Toolkit (CMT).

Submission instructions
Paper template
Submission portal

Review Process

A description of the review process can be found here. All paper submissions will be subjected to a rigorous double-blind peer review process by an international committee of experts. All of the submitted papers should demonstrate rigorous research methodology and will be evaluated according to the following criteria: novelty, academic quality, appropriateness of topic, importance, readability, ethical standards, and paper organization. Authors should also familiarize themselves with the NIME statements on diversity, environmental, and ethical issues.

Important Dates

  • Paper submission deadline: 22 January 2022
  • Paper final submission upload deadline: 31 January 2022
  • Notification of acceptance: 15-19 March 2022
All deadlines are 23:59 Anywhere on Earth Time Zone (UTC - 12)
Please contact the Paper Co-Chairs should you have any questions.