Call for Installations

We invite submissions of art installations on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Given the online format of NIME 2022, accepted proposals will be exhibited online.
NIME2022 is pleased to be partnering with Collab-Hub for the art installation stream. If your submission is accepted, you'll have the opportunity to work with Collab-Hub to create a fully engaging virtual presence for your installation.
A NIME2022 information page is available on the Collab-Hub website and we encourage you to visit it and explore the possibility of using their platform for your work. Please feel free to ask the Collab-Hub team any questions.

Submission information

The submission will include the following entries:
  • Title
  • Authors names and short bios of contributing artists
  • Description
  • Technical information and system requirements
  • Feasibility
  • Link to audio-visual documentation, live demo of the installation itself or to the work as it already exists online
  • Access requirement
  • Compliance with NIME standards on diversity, environmental, and ethical issues.

Submission process

NIME installation submissions will be using Pubpub, a multimedia platform for publication. Authors will create submissions there, export them as PDFs, and submit them for review through the NIME 2022 Conference Management Toolkit (CMT).

Submission instructions
Installation submission template
Submission portal

Review Process

All installation submissions will be evaluated by a review panel according to the following criteria: originality, impact, creativity, technique, presentation, and feasibility. Upon acceptance, artists of accepted works will be asked:
  • to provide a video of their installation for online presentation along with additional supporting material if required, e.g., thumbnails, programme note, etc.
  • if they wish to participate in an optional artists discussion panel as a part of the conference.
Documentation of the installations will be available online after the conference.

Important Dates

  • Installation submission deadline: 22 January 2022
  • Installation final submission upload deadline: 31 January 2022
  • Notification of acceptance: 15-19 March 2022
All deadlines are 23:59 Anywhere on Earth Time Zone (UTC - 12)
Please contact the Installations Co-Chairs should you have any questions.