Call for Demos

We welcome the submission of proposals for late breaking demonstrations to showcase works in progress, proof of concept NIMEs, and early prototypes that may not be ready or appropriate for submission as a full or short paper. This category is especially suitable for submissions by people new to NIME, or those who are in the early stages of research and would benefit from feedback from the NIME community.

Submission information

Submissions are encouraged in, but not limited to, the main conference theme “Decolonising musical interfaces”, as well as any of the topics listed in the Call for Papers. As NIME 2022 will take place as a virtual conference, this presents a challenge to the traditional “hands-on” demonstration sessions that have been a part of previous editions. Thus, we urge people to consider unique ways to present a demonstration interactively with remote attendees. This could include web-based components that permit distributed control of a remote or virtual instrument during the session, or providing downloadable interactive versions of a NIME or other technology. The submission should include the following components:
  • Title and author(s)
  • Abstract (200 words)
  • Requirements
  • Program description
  • Media
Please note that a demo submission is not a conference paper, however the abstract will appear in the conference program and official proceedings.

Submission process

NIME demo submissions will be using Pubpub, a multimedia platform for publication. Authors will create submissions there, export them as PDFs, and submit them for review through the NIME 2022 Conference Management Toolkit (CMT).

Submission instructions
Demo submission template
Submission portal

Review Process

All demo submissions will be evaluated by a review panel according to the following criteria: originality, impact, creativity, technique, presentation, and feasibility. Those submitting should also familiarize themselves with the NIME statements on diversity, environmental, and ethical issues.

Important Dates

  • Demo submission deadline: 1 April 2022
  • Notification of acceptance: 1 May 2022
All deadlines are 23:59 Anywhere on Earth Time Zone (UTC - 12)
Please contact the Demos Co-Chairs should you have any questions.