13th International Conference on

New Interfaces for
Musical Expression

May 27-30, 2013 | Daejeon + Seoul, Korea Republic

program > workshops

NIME 2013 offers the following pre-conference workshop programs on May 26.
Full-day workshop:
Half-day workshops - morning:
Half-day workshops - afternoon:
Please contact the instructors for further details.
Notes: 1) Workshops can be booked with conference registration. 2) Fees should be paid to the instructor on site by cash.

full-day workshop

1. Making embedded NIMEs with Satellite CCRMA
- featuring the Raspberry Pi

This workshop focuses on teaching participants how to make embedded musical instruments and embedded installations using Satellite CCRMA. By the close of the six-hour workshop, each participant will complete a new self-contained instrument or installation using a take-home kit, which is about twice the size of a deck of cards. Beginning and intermediate participants will benefit primarily from being led through a series of basic exercises in using the kit, while advanced participants may be most interested in discussing how to extend the kits.
Satellite CCRMA is currently based on the powerful Raspberry Pi embedded Linux board, which executes floating- point instructions natively at 700MHz. Participants will be shown how to run Pure Data (pd) on the board, but participants are welcome to explore other software available on the Satellite CCRMA memory image. Additional topics include Arduino, Firmata, pico projectors, open-source hardware, ChucK, SuperCollider, and more.
  • instructor: Edgar Berdahl, Spencer Salazar
  • location: KAIST N25 #3235
  • time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm (6 hours)
  • cost: $105 USD (or € 80 or KRW 120,000). The total number of kits will be limited to 15. This means that only more than 15 participants should be allowed to enroll if they are willing to share kits.
  • proposal

half-day workshops

2. Getting started with NIME

Attending NIME for the first time can be an overwhelming experience. Beginners may find it difficult to make sense of the vast array of topics presented during the busy program of talks and posters, or appreciate the significance of the wide variety of demos and concerts.
This half-day tutorial is intended to provide a general and gentle introduction to the theory and practice of the design of interactive systems for music creation and performance. Our target audience consists of newcomers to the field who would like to start research projects, as well as those with a more general inter- est in NIME. We aim to give our audience an entry point to the theory and practice of musical interface design by drawing on case studies from previous years of the confer- ence. Past attendees of the tutorial have told us that they gained a helpful perspective that helped them to increase their understanding and appreciation of their first NIME.

3. U synth workshop

U synth is a circuit-board synthesizer for educational and hacking purposes. It is basically a breakout board of SN76477 with onboard amplifier and speaker. Users can easily change sound by putting electronic components such as resistors, capacitors, potentiometers and/or various sensors.
This workshop covers the basics of circuits, sound and the relationship between them.
  • instructor: ByungJun Kwon
  • location: KAIST N25 #3239
  • time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (3 hours)
  • cost: KRW 100,000

4. Networked interfaces workshop

Networks have become an fundemental component of the world’s cultures and economies. The amount of information transferred over the internet is expanding at an exponential rate. New devices and form factors that utilize these connections are being introduced into markets at an ever increasing rate. Soon augmented reality technologies such as wearable computers will become common place and not just users, but the world itself will become a denizen of the global village. For these reasons network technologies are becoming increasingly important.
This workshop will introduce participants to fundamental concepts of networking and guide them through the process of programming a networked interface. In the process, key skills will be learned that can be applied in further projects, which will serve to further connect and enrich our global village.
  • instructor: Chad McKinney
  • location: KAIST N25 #3229
  • time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (3 hours)
  • cost: free
  • proposal

5. Haptic interaction design for musical applications using physical models

A workshop on haptic interaction design for musical applications. The focus lies primarily on using physical models for programming haptic force feedback. During the workshop, participants will program the FireFader haptic device using the Synth-A-Modeler physical modeling framework, which combines elements from digital waveguide, mass-interaction, and modal synthesis. The source code for Synth-A-Modeler will be officially released to the open-source community at the NIME 2013 conference.
  • instructor: Edgar Berdahl
  • location: KAIST N25 #3239
  • time: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm (3 hours)
  • cost: $125 USD (or € 96 or KRW 150,000). The total number of kits will be limited to 15. This means that only more than 15 participants should be allowed to enroll only if they are willing to share kits.
  • proposal

6. Developing NIMEs using web technologies

Web pages are rapidly becoming the easiest way to experiment with creating NIMEs. Now that the Web Audio API is available on mobile devices, we carry phones and tablets that are able to synthesize realtime audio in the browser while accessing the touchscreen, accelerometer and gyroscope sensors. NIMEs can, in essence, be transported using a simple hypertext link.
Web technologies also offer an extraordinary opportunity for teaching electronic music and audio programming concepts. Instead of requiring students to download an environment and install or compile libraries educators can simply direct students to a website where they can begin experimenting immediately.
This workshop will teach people with a basic programming background to create web-based NIMEs. We will focus primarily on using JavaScript to both define synthesis graphs and create interfaces to control them. By the end of the three-hour workshop all participants will have created a NIME in a web page and will better understand the possibilities and issues associated with musical expression in the browser.

7. Urban sensoria @ NIME from sounds of the city to sounds from the city

This workshop will explore a mixed scenario consisting of two goals: (1) presentation of research that relates to urban sensing with a particular focus on sound, and (2) an exploratory-creative component to allow workshop participants to use novel ubiquitous computing technologies to explore an area of Seoul/Dajeon, collect information, and work on a creative project. The workshop will thus aim to attract research contributions that relate to novel interfaces for urban sensing, and to have a hands-on experience to explore the use of various technologies in a creative process. In both cases we will specifically target the senses (sight, sound, smell, etc.), placing a particular focus on the creation of sounds from an urban environment, while emphasizing urban cultural heritage.
  • instructor: Alejandro Jaimes
  • location: KAIST N2 #102
  • time: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm (3 hours)
  • cost: free
  • max. number of participants: 20
  • proposal