Please fill in this form to let us know about your technical requirements.
Name and Email are required.

Your Name*

Your Email*

Your Phone

Name of Piece or Event

How many people are involved in speaking/performing

Describe the set-up:

I need:

Audio from (your) computer headphone jack
Audio from computer sound-card
Main speakers
Monitor speakers
Surround speakers
External reverb (you bring)
External effects (you bring)
Video projection from your computer
Connection to the internet for your event
Music stands

If computer sound-card output needed, what kind of jack

If internet needed, please note your ethernet or wifi MAC address

Describe set-up and any other details or equipment that you need, including stage
furniture (tables, chairs, music stands), special lighting needs.

We are planning to make audio recordings and have live webcast (audio and video) of many peformances, speeches, and panel discussions.

OK to record and webcast