paper/demo/poster | performance/installation/exhibition | workshop/tutorial proposal
On behalf of the NIME 2010 Committee, we invite you to be part of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. The core purpose of NIME is to examine interfaces/instruments for musical expression. The ++ portion of the 2010 conference concerns projects/papers that collaborate with music or sound via multi-disciplinary, cross-disciplinary and multimodal expression. Projects that collaborate with other disciplines, extending the musical or sonic framework are invited, and vice-versa.
We welcome submissions on topics related to new interfaces for music performance including, but not limited to:
– Novel controllers and interfaces for musical expression
– Novel controllers for collaborative performance
– Novel musical instruments
– Computational methods of composition
– Augmented/hyper instruments
– Interfaces for dance and physical expression
– Interactive Game Music
– Robotic Music
– Interactive sound and multimedia installations
– Interactive sonification
– Sensor and actuator technologies
– Haptic and force feedback devices
– Interface protocols and data formats
– Gesture and music
– Perceptual & cognitive issues
– Interactivity design and software tools
– Musical mapping strategies
– Performance analysis and machine learning
– Performance rendering and generative algorithms
– Experiences with novel interfaces in education and entertainment
– Experiences with novel interfaces in live performance and composition
– Surveys of past work and stimulating ideas for future research
– Historical studies in twentieth-century instrument design
– Reports on student projects in the framework of NIME related courses
– Artistic, cultural, and social impact of NIME technology
– Gesture measurement
– Enabling music networks
– Bio-music
We welcome submissions on topics related to multi-disciplinary, cross-disciplinary and multimodal expression, but not limited to:
– Mobile Technologies including Sound & Music
– Locative
Media Integration
– Urban Digital Media & Media Façades
– Human-Computer Interaction
– Multimodal Expressive Interfaces
– Practice-Based Research Approaches/Methodologies/Criticism
– Sonification, Auditory Display & Multimodal Information Expression, Data Display
– NIME intersecting with Performance, Dance, Theatre, Game Design
– Sonic Expression in Architecture, Design, Wearables/Fashion
– Computational Interfaces/Methods for Expression & Creativity
All papers are double blind peer reviewed by an international panel of experts and meet DEST refereed publication requirements.
Full Paper (up to 6 pages in proceedings, longer oral presentation, optional demo)
Short Paper/Poster/Demo (up to 4 pages in proceedings, choose from shorter oral presentation OR poster OR demo)
Submission of full papers, short papers and poster/demo proposals: 5th February 2010
Notification of acceptance/rejection (papers and posters):
19 March 2010
Submission of final papers: 23 April 2010
Style templates: Word | LaTex (download linked zip file). Submit PDF. In the first-round submission, please omit the author name(s) & affiliation, and obvious references to individuals or institutions in the References, to preserve anonymity in the reviewing process.
Submit your paper here:
For any further information/question/comment/suggestion, please send a message to the local organizing committee (under 'Contact')
Please prepare up to 1 x A1 size poster.
It may be up to 4 x A3, 2 x A2, A2 or A1. It needs to be printed BEFORE you come to Sydney. We will provide pin-up boards for you to present your work and answer questions. Tables will also be available (and also for demos) in case you would like to show video or software or interaction on your computer, your instrument, or bring props. You are advised to bring your own laptop and adapter (Australia's power is 240V AC) for this purpose and headphones. There are no specific formatting constraints for the poster but generally people aim for diagrams, visual aids, tables and bullet-point summaries of key ideas, graphically clear and not too heavy in text. (PDF, AI or PPT are common file formats for submitting to a printer to achieve a manageable file-size and reliable image and font reproduction).
Some headphones or mini-speakers are available upon request. Any special equipment requests should be lodged by email to when you submit your revised short paper for the proceedings (to give us time to source all necessary equipment and ensure we can look after you).
The poster session will colocate approximately 12-15 presenters is a large venue over a one or 1.5-hour period, organised by topic. This schedule will be available shortly after we receive all revised submissions. The timing of poster/demo sessions can be seen on the home page already.
Typically, delegates circulate at their leisure and ask questions of the presenter. It is a nice opportunity to expose your work and receive feedback. The reviewed short paper is published in the conference proceedings.
A DEMO differs only in that you will be provided with a table and space, rather than pin-up board, to present your work, play/demo and answer questions. Again, if you have special requirements, please request them when you lodge your short paper or by registration deadline.
As in previous years, we are calling for proposals for performances and installations to be presented in conjunction with the conference. There are 2 categories of performance proposal:
Concert performance
Club night performance
Installations may be:
Submission of Installation and Performance Proposals: 5th February 2010
Submit your proposal here:
In 2010, we are looking for two kinds of special event on the day preceding the full conference:
WORKSHOPS for academic-style paper presentations or discussion relating to a specialist area directed by an expert; and
TUTORIALS for making things and developing knowledge. Tutorials can range in intention from instruction and discussion about specialist techniques, platforms, hardware, software or pedagogical topics for the advancement of fellow NIME-ers and people with experience related to the topic, or tutorials can be instructive for visitors to the NIME community, novices/newbies, interested student participants, people from other fields, and members of the public getting to know the potential of NIME. Tutorial proposers should clearly indicate the audience and assumed knowledge of their intended participants to help us market to the appropriate audience. Admission to workshops and tutorials will be charged separately from the main conference. Workshop publications arising, where relevant, are the responsibility of the workshop organiser.
Workshops and tutorials can relate to, but are not limited to, the topics of the conference.
This is a good opportunity to explore a specialised interest or interdisciplinary topic in depth with greater time for discourse, debate, collaboration.
Submit 500-1,000 word PDF proposal addressing the following:
- Clearly state the topic, anticipated audience, proposed channels for promoting and marketing your workshop/proposal.
- Name(s) of proposer(s)/submitter(s)
- For tutorials, proposers should indicate the pre-requisites or assumed knowledge required for participants.
- Indicate venue requirements (e.g. data projection, sound reproduction, work-desks or seminar seating, other equipment, whiteboards, audio interfaces, etc.) and any hardware/software requirements (computer lab, Arduino or similar resources, tools, workshop, software applications). Please indicate if there are any safety implications (soldering, power tool usage, etc.) that may need health and safety compliance
- If you require equipment, especially audio equipment or musical interfaces, indicate clearly if you will be supplying/bringing it, or if it needs to be sourced in Sydney
- Specify whether you would like a 0.5-day or full-day time-slot
- Include 2 paragraph bio of organiser(s) and background relating to proposed topic
- Additional information
- Understand that the proposer(s) are responsible for publishing any workshop proceedings if desired and should engage in the promotion of their event amongst own networks.
- Workshop/Tutorials may be cancelled or combined if there is inadequate participation
Submission of workshop/tutorial proposals due: 5th February 2010
Submit your proposal here: