SUBMISSION GUIDELINES & LINKS Please read carefully the guidelines below on this page before submitting your your contribution. [Papers and Posters (also Reports and Demos)] [Performances and Interactive Installations] Paper and Poster submission interface [Submit a Paper or Poster] [Modify an existing Paper or Poster submission] (no upload) [Upoad or re-upload a Paper or Poster document] Performance and Installation submission interface [Submit a Performance or Installation] [Modify an existing Performance or Installation submission] (no upload) [Upload or re-upload a Performance or Installation documentation] Further links [Download images and plans of installation spaces] Paper and Poster Submission Guidelines The following types of presentation are accepted: - Full Paper (6 pages in proceedings, plenary session)
- Short Paper (4 pages in proceedings, plenary session)
- Poster (2 or 4 pages in proceedings, poster session)
- Paper for Special Session (4 to 6 pages in proceedings, plenary session)
Submissions are handled by the NIME 06 Paper/Poster online submission interface. Only complete papers/posters in english language as PDF files are accepted. The interface allows you to chose between the four types of presentation listed above. At this stage no distinction is made between reports and papers (should be simply made clear in the title and abstract of the paper). The NIME review process does not handle anonymous submissions. Please include names of authors and institutions to the submitted paper/poster. Don't worry too much about footers and headers in your first submission, since you will be asked to send in a final camera ready version of your submission once it has been accepted. Special Session A paper submitted for the Special Session dedicated to the Violin Family is distingushed only by the fact that it will be considered for a dedicated paper session in the morning of June 8th. Participation in a dedicated demo session (requires a Paper or Poster submission) Although brief demonstrations can be shown during paper sessions, NIME 06 will give the possibility to schedule demo presentations in dedicated demo sessions. The submission of a demo is an option for any paper or poster submission. In order to participate in a demo session you have to chose the corresponing option in the submission procedure and provide a brief description of the demo you intend to show. The description will help the organizers to schedule the demo within the demo sessions in an appropriate space. Don't hesitate to give any details which help to imagine the demo in advance such as the involved technology and the provided audio output (number of channels, headphones or loud speakers). Describe the expected interaction with the visitors of the demo, for example: - a simple presentation of audiovisual material in a loop - a simple exposition of technology - visitors can touch and try the demonstrated technology in a complete setup including audio and/or video output - a complex demonstration by the participant(s) in front of the visitors (detail approximate duration and the possibility of a periodic repetition). All material involved in a demo has to be provided by the participant. Additional technical support may be proposed by the organizers depending on the availability of additional technical resources for the conference. Please note that the acceptance of a demo depends on the acceptance of the paper or poster it is associated with. In the contrary the acceptance of an associated demo doesn't have any influence on the paper or poster submission. Since space and time of the dedicated demo sessions is limited, in can happen that a demo will be declined even if the paper or poster it is associated with is accepted. If you intended to participate "only" with a demo, please consider the submission of a poster (2 or 4 pages in the proceedings) with an associated demo. For presentations of commercial products and companies not associated with a conference submission, an extra space for exhibit booths is made available the immediate environment of the conference. Please contact Vincent.Puig[at]ircam[fr] for further information. [Submit a Paper or Poster] Templates for paper and poster submissions Submission must in pdf format. We have prepared updated Microsoft Word and LaTeX2e templates to assist you in preparing your submission, which can be downloaded here. • Microsoft Word: pubformNIME.doc • LaTeX2e: NIME-alternate.cls (class file), NIME-alternate.tex (example usage) If you have not already, please remove the ACM "Categories & Subject Descriptors", "General Terms", and "ACM Classification" from your submission. These sections should not appear in your camera ready submission. However, please keep the "Keywords" section and choose a few words to help categorize your paper. [Submit a Paper or Poster] Performance and Installation Submission Guidelines Submissions are handled by the NIME 06 Performance/Installation online submission interface and require a description (in english language) of the proposed piece and additional documentation material. The description document (PDF format) has to include the following information: - Title of the work
- Name (composer/artist/performer)
- Institution or company
- Address
- Email
- Year of composition
- Duration (of performance or of expected vistors attention)
- Instrumentation (for performances only)
- Description of the work / program notes
- Biographies
- The set-up time and rehearsal time required
- Detailed technical requirements (sound, light, stage area, etc.)
- Document of the technical set up (plans, drawing, sketch)
- Images showing the work
- List of additional audio-visual documentation submitted together with the description of the work (ZIP archive) or seperately (see below)
Additional audio-visual documentation of the work can be submitted in one of the following ways (in order of preference): - as URLs linking to audio and video files to be viewed online or downloaded from the web (add to description)
- via the online submission interface in a ZIP archive together with the works description (maximum file size is 200MB).
- sent by mail in form of a CD-ROM or DVD to the following address (include a clear reference to the submission ID returned by the online submission interface):
NIME06 / IRCAM à l'attention de Sylvie Benoit 1, place Igor Stravinsky F-75004 Paris Video documentation should be in QuickTime, MPEG, Divx, or AVI format. Notes concerning performances The duration of the proposed piece should not exceed 12 minutes. The concert program will necessitate efficient change of stage setup between pieces. As the programs takes place in the context of the conference, NIME 06 will not be able to provide performers, instruments, nor financial support. The authors of the accepted works are responsible for the successful presentation of their work. [Submit a Performance or Installation] Notes concerning installations There will be five spaces for installations - three rooms of various sizes, and two public spaces. Architectural drawings and photographs of the spaces are available for download (zip file 916 KB). The five spaces in brief: - Room 1 (size 4m x 4m or approx. 13 x 13 ft)
- Room 2 (size 5m x 5m or approx. 16.5 x 16.5 ft)
(see plan in the folders "Room1" and "Room2") These are two closed spaces at IRCAM's basement (level -1 and -2) in proximity to the NIME 06 conference spaces. - Stairs
(see plan in the folder "Stairs") These stairs are leading from the basement of IRCAM's R&D and Production department (level -2: NIME 06 demos and posters) down to the Espace de Projection concert hall (level -4: NIME 06 paper sessions and concerts). - Entrance bridge
(see pictures and plan in the folder "Ircam-entrance_bridge") This is the arched bridge leading to the entrance of IRCAM. The bridge connects the Stravinsky Place (see also below) with the entrance door and spans over the glass roof of IRCAM's basement. - External wall
(see pictures and plan in the folder "Ircam-external_wall") The essentially empty (light beige) external wall of several levels belongs to the building extending IRCAM's facade to the left (south). Note that in June the sunset is around 10 pm and that the plaza is crowed. Also the beautiful Stravinsky Fountain by Niki de Saint Phalle and Jean Tinguely makes a considerable noise. Some people might play soccer! [Download images and plans of installation spaces] We invite proposals for site-specific installations, especially for the two public spaces. In all cases, the participants must provide their equipment for the installation. Note that for security reasons, any equipment on the stairs and bridge should be kept minimal and should leave the access totally free. We encourage installations that can remain on exhibition during the entire Agora/Resonances festival period of June 1-17. Arrangements can be made for tear-down and return shipment of the work at the end of the festival in absence of the artist. |