New Interfaces for Musical Expression
28 JUNE - 1 JULY 2022
Organised by
Waipapa Taumata Rau, Aotearoa
The University of Auckland, New Zealand
About NIME
The International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression gathers researchers and musicians from all over the world to share their knowledge and late-breaking work on new musical interface design. The conference started out as a workshop at the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) in 2001. Since then, an annual series of international conferences have been held around the world, hosted by research groups dedicated to interface design, human-computer interaction, and computer music.Theme: Decolonising musical interfaces
In the last few editions of the NIME conference, an increasing number of publications and artistic work has been identifying, challenging, and addressing the hegemonic cultural and ideological perspectives in the work that we make. The theme of the NIME 2022 has been chosen to encourage further theoretical and artistic submissions based on and pushing for epistemologies and methodologies other than traditional Western empiricism. This theme is inspired by the rising commitment in the host country of NIME 2022, Aotearoa New Zealand, to develop decolonial methodologies that reassess the value of Indigenous ontologies and epistemologies. Decolonisation also involves rethinking the Western imaginary of technological innovation, central in music technology. What is innovation at NIME? What is the N in NIME? What values are we ready to trade off for the sake of innovation? In addition to encouraging submissions that offer alternative knowledge systems, we further embedded the decolonisation theme in the structure of the conference. A mentorship program will assist researchers from under-represented communities, and the Call for Music is also open to performances with old NIMEs, to resist narratives of technological innovation.What's new at NIME 2022
This edition of NIME introduces several exciting opportunties:Doctoral Consortium
For the first time at NIME, there will be a Doctoral Consortium. This is an opportunty for PhD students to discuss, perform, or demo their ongoing research and receive feedback from the NIME community on their conceptual, theoretical, technical and/or musical research components, and participate to an open discussion among peer students and senior scientists, interaction designers and computer musicians.Mentorship program
A Mentorship Program has been developed to increse inclusiveness of our community by helping NIME newcomers, especially underrepresented groups and non-native speakers, to navigate the NIME discourse.New music, old NIMEs
In addition to the traditional call for music developed with new NIMEs, the Call for Music now includes the possibilty to submit pieces performed or composed with NIMEs that have been presented before . This includes new pieces for interfaces that have been previously presented at NIME.News
14 Jun 2022
The NIME 2022 Conference Hub website is now online!
8 Feb 2022
Updates in New Zealand immigration policies indicated that the country will reopen the borders to international travellers only from October 2022. Thus, we sadly need to confirm that the NIME 2022 will be entirely virtual.
25 Oct 2021
While we had hoped to have a hybrid online or in-person conference, the critical situation in New Zealand regarding immigration and the pandemic means that that possibility is currently unlikely. We will review and finalise our decision in February 2022 at the latest. We thank everyone for their continued patience, and rest assured that our team is working hard to host the best conference that we can under these conditions!
20 Sept 2021
Site online!