13th International Conference on

New Interfaces for
Musical Expression

May 27-30, 2013 | Daejeon + Seoul, Korea Republic

KAIST campus (photo by Junseok Park)
The International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) is an annual interdisciplinary conference discussing contemporary topics in electronic musical interface design, research and practice. NIME brings together researchers and practitioners from a range of academic fields including computer science, electrical engineering, human-computer interaction, musicology, electro-acoustic music, dance and composition, and has routinely attracted interest from electronic music industry as well.
NIME 2013 will be hosted by the Graduate School of Culture Technology at KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), Daejeon, Korea, and will feature a series of special events in Seoul.
NIME 2013 on Facebook, too!
We have prepared a guide for NIME 2013 using Guidebook, a free application that can help you enjoy the conference. Visit the NIME 2013 guidebook page to download the app and get the guide (Enter redeem code: nime).

latest news

  • June 22. 2013: Academic papers of NIME 2013 are now online: please check the oral presentations and posters & demos pages. Bibtex information is also almost ready, and will be posted on NIME website soon.
  • May 31. 2013: As of yesterday, NIME 2013 is officially over. Thank you all for everything!
    We will continue to post updates on local media coverage of the conference, online proceedings, videos/photos from paper sessions, demos and concerts, so stay tuned!
    Enjoy the rest of your stay in Korea, have a safe trip back, and see you in London next year!
  • May 30. 2013: We are pleased to announce the winners of NIME 2013 best paper award:
    - "Portable Measurement and Mapping of Continuous Piano Gesture"
       by Andrew McPherson
    - "The Web Browser As Synthesizer And Interface"
       by Charles Roberts, Graham Wakefield and Matthew Wright
  • May 29. 2013: Although NIME 2013 isn't over yet, we are happy to announce that NIME 2014 will be hosted by Goldsmiths, University of London!
  • May 29. 2013: NIME buses for Seoul will depart at 9 am, May 30. Please come to KAIST Auditorium to take one.
  • May 29. 2013: Hubo Lab tour is sold out. Thank you!
  • May 28. 2013: There are only three seats left for Hubo Lab tour. Hurry up!
  • May 28. 2013: There will be a 30-minute guided tour of Hubo (KAIST's famous humanoid robot) Lab: Wednesday, May 29 at 18:00-18:30. To participate, please email Woony (woony@kaist.edu). Stay tuned for more information!
  • May 27. 2013: Sketches from Dr. Verplank's keynote can be downloaded from here.
  • May 24. 2013: For those of you who cannot be with us for the whole conference, we will accept daily on-site registrations. Please check the registration page for details.
  • May 24. 2013: On Sunday, May 26, registration desk will be in building N25. Also, following the afternoon workshops, welcome reception will be held at the same place. Please note that registration will be in the KI building (E4) from Monday.
  • May 24. 2013: Venues for workshops and other schedules have been assigned and updated! Please check the venues and workshops page for more information.
  • May 22. 2013: Concerts from Monday to Wednesday in Daejeon are open to public (free for registered attendees, 5,000 KRW for non-registered audience). The last concert in Seoul (May 30), however, is for registered attendees only due to limited seats.
  • May 22. 2013: We are extremely happy to announce that the last concert of NIME 2013 will feature three pieces performed by electronic musician and instrument developer Byungjun Kwon and Korean traditional music performance group Ensemble Sinawi.
  • May 20. 2013: [Accomodation] On Toyoko-Inn Daejeon Gov. Complex: Please note that check-in starts at 4:00 PM, and check-out should be done by 10:00 AM.
  • May 8. 2013: By popular request, early registration due is extended to May 12. Please note that there will be no further extension.
  • May 8. 2013: List of oral presentations and poster/demos are available online. You can also check them using the schedule table.
  • Apr. 18. 2013: Our student volunteer program is also announced. If you are a student, you may get your registration fee waivered while helping us make better NIME!
  • Apr. 18. 2013: Finally, information on registration is available. Please check the page and do not hesitate to let us know if you have any question.
  • Apr. 18. 2013: Meet our keynote speakers - Dr. Bill Verplank and Dr. Ajay Kapur!
  • Apr. 17. 2013: Please do not miss our workshop programs!
  • Apr. 10. 2013: Information on Seoul venue and hotels has been (and will continue to be) updated. If you need help with Seoul hotel reservation, please feel free to contact Mr. Gunho Chae for more information and assistance.
  • for older entries, visit here