Registration fees:
Full conference (early): $340
Full conference reduced/student (early): $170
Full conference (late): $520
Full conference reduced/student (late): $260
Day on-site registration: $190
Concert ticket: $10
Concert ticket reduced/student: $5
Keynote ticket: $25
Early registration ended on April 20.
A conference banquet is held on Monday May 21 in the evening. Tickets for the banquet are offered separately.
Students have the opportunity to join a lottery to enter the Student Volunteer Program until April 8. If you are interested in volunteering please visit the Student Volunteer Program page before registering for details.
Register for the NIME Conference Online registration closed, please register on site at the registration desk
Delegates who are under the age of 18 should contact before registering.
Notice that some of these workshops are held at the same time. You can either register for one of the full-day (6 hour) workshops, or one or two half-day workshops. For convenience we have grouped the workshops here by format and time of day they are held.
Half-day morning workshops on Sunday, May 20, 2012.
Register for A NIME Primer Workshop CLOSED
A general and gentle introduction to the theory and practice of the design of interactive systems for music creation and performance. (no prerequisites or hardware requirements)
Register for Workshop on Musical Interaction Design with the CUI32Stem: Wireless Options and the GROVE system for prototyping new interfaces CANCELED. Registrants will be refunded at the conference.
Using the CUI32Stem open source microcontroller to build musical interactions. More details about CUI32Stem. (Prerequisite: C, Basic, or Arduino languages)
Register for Workshop on DIY Haptics for Musical Expression FULL!
Using motorized levers and sliders and microprocessor control, participants will explore how programmable haptic feedback enhances a music controller and changes the process of music making.(No prerequisites, keep hardware for $100 on-site charge)
Half-day afternoon workshops on Sunday, May 20, 2012.
Register for Workshop on Building iOS apps with Max/MSP and RTcmix CLOSED
Learn to build an iOS app using Max/MSP as a foundational development tool via the[rtcmix~] object. (Prerequisite: Max/MSP knowledge, access and knowledge of XCode, hardware requirement: Mac laptop)
Register for Workshop on A Hands-On Workshop on Gesture Recognition and Machine Learning for Real Time Musical Interaction FULL!
A hands-on guide to the real-time application of machine learning and gesture recognition for musical interaction. Additional details.(No prerequisites, hardware requirement: laptop)
Full-day workshops on Sunday, May 20, 2012.
Register for Workshop on Actuated Acoustic Instruments CLOSED
Workshop teaches the construction of actuated acoustic instruments from a hardware kit. (No prerequisites, option hardware requirement: own instrument. Cost includes $125 for hardware to keep)
Register for Workshop on Soft Circuitry and Synthesizers CLOSED
Use soft circuitry to create textile-based sensors and controllers for interfacing with audio hardware. More details about the soft circuitry workshop (No prerequisite or hardware. Cost includes $75 for materials)
Some workshops will require you to provide your own hardware/software. Before signing up, make sure that you can meet these requirements and will be able to bring them to the workshop.
Notice that space is limited and slots will be allocated on a first come-first-serve basis. If you want to be wait-listed for a workshop that is full, please email