Papers :

We invite the submission of research papers, reports, and posters on topics related to new musical controllers including, but not restricted to:
  • Design reports on novel controllers and interfaces for musical expression
  • Surveys of past work and/or stimulating ideas for future research
  • Performance experience reports on live performance and composition using novel controllers
  • Controllers for virtuosic performers, novices, education and entertainment
  • Perceptual & cognitive issues in the design of musical controllers
  • Music and motion and/or music and emotion
  • Movement, visual and physical expression with sonic expressivity
  • Musical mapping algorithms and intelligent controllers
  • Novel controllers for collaborative performance
  • Interface protocols (e.g. MIDI) and alternative controllers
  • Artistic, cultural, and social impact of new performance interfaces
  • Real-time gestural control in musical performance
  • Mapping strategies and their influence on digital musical instrument design
  • Sensor and actuator technologies for musical applications
  • Haptic and force feedback devices for musical control
  • Real-time software tools and interactive systems
  • Pedagogical applications of new interfaces - Courses and curricula
  • Performance rendering system (RENCON)
  • Evaluation criteria for evaluating rendered music (RENCON)

Demos :

We encourage the submission of demos, either as part of papers and reports or as standalone contributions.

Performances :

We encourage artists, performers and conference presenters to submit proposals for performances and livedemonstrations that employ new musical controllers, novel interface concepts, and/or new mapping systems that can befeatured in the concert events.

Industrial Demos :

We invite industrial vendors to show products relating to new musical interfaces. Please email our industrial liaison organizer.