NIME 2003 Survey Form

Dear NIME03 Participant,

Thank you very much for coming to NIME03. Now that the conference is over, it would be a great service to the steering committee if you could fill out this short survey.

Kind Regards,

Robert Ferguson / NIME Steering Committee

A) Is this your first NIME conference?
B) How interesting did you find the talks
C) How much did you enjoy the demos/performances
D) Compared to similar conferences, how affordable did you find NIME03?
E) Do you have institutional sponsorship and/or affiliation?
F) Did you bring any student with you?
G) Would you be willing to travel for another NIME (check all that apply): North America Europe Asia South/Central America Australia/Oceania
H) Do you have any suggestions to improve the content or format of the conference?
I) Do you have any suggestions to improve the demos?
J) Do you have any ideas or contacts regarding corporate sponsorship and/or grant opportunities for future NIME's?
K) Do you have any suggestions for future invited keynote speakers/performers?
L) Would you like to see an informal lounge setup for spontaneous musical interactions?
M) Would you like to be more involved with organization?
N) Would you be willing to serve on a committee?
O) Would you be willing to do peer/paper reviews?
P) Do you like the idea of having awards for any of the following: papers, interface/controller design, performance, demos
If you would like to identify yourself, please enter your email: