SPLT/SCRN: A Game-Piece for Dueling Improvisers

Christos Michalakos

Music Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression


SPLT/SCRN is a game-piece where two improvisers play against each-other using their instruments as game controllers. The piece consists of multiple randomized mini-challenges where the performers need to improvise in order to understand what musical gestures are required from them through positive feedback from the screen. The mini-games cover a range of musical affordances, giving the advantage to both instrumentalists at different times. The instrument signal is analysed in real-time using machine learning techniques through Max/MSP, and used as control data for both the progress within the game, as well as the control of the live electronics. These parameters are then sent through OSC to the game engine Unity and control the game. In addition, the hybrid system makes use of DMX-controlled lights, which are also mapped to control data and game levels. On-screen events are accentuated through lights within the physical space, merging the physical and the digital.


Christos Michalakos. 2023. SPLT/SCRN: A Game-Piece for Dueling Improvisers. Music Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11194640

BibTeX Entry

 abstract = {SPLT/SCRN is a game-piece where two improvisers play against each-other using their instruments as game controllers. The piece consists of multiple randomized mini-challenges where the performers need to improvise in order to understand what musical gestures are required from them through positive feedback from the screen. The mini-games cover a range of musical affordances, giving the advantage to both instrumentalists at different times. The instrument signal is analysed in real-time using machine learning techniques through Max/MSP, and used as control data for both the progress within the game, as well as the control of the live electronics. These parameters are then sent through OSC to the game engine Unity and control the game. In addition, the hybrid system makes use of DMX-controlled lights, which are also mapped to control data and game levels. On-screen events are accentuated through lights within the physical space, merging the physical and the digital.},
 address = {Mexico City, Mexico},
 articleno = {12},
 author = {Christos Michalakos},
 booktitle = {Music Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression},
 doi = {10.5281/zenodo.11194640},
 editor = {Rob Hamilton},
 month = {May},
 note = {Live Concert 1, Wednesday May 31, Biblioteca Vasconcelos},
 title = {SPLT/SCRN: A Game-Piece for Dueling Improvisers},
 url = {https://www.nime.org/proceedings/2023/nime2023_music_12.pdf},
 urlsuppl1 = {https://www.nime.org/proceedings/2023/nime23_concert_1.pdf},
 year = {2023}