WYPYM - Were you a part of your mother?

Chiara Percivati, and Claudio Panariello

Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression


This performance presents, through artistic means, the current state of development of the feedback-augmented bass clarinet—a NIME instrument previously created by the two authors. The performance aims to showcase improvements made to the instrument, both in terms of hardware and software. Regarding hardware and instrument design, after experimenting with different neck extensions realized through CAD and 3D printing—enabling the insertion of our first microphone into the instrument body and a more refined tuning of the instrument—we decided to focus on the use of an intra-mic to capture the bass clarinet sound. This not only ultimately addressed previous issues with tuning, but also enhanced the playability of the feedback-augmented bass clarinet, aligning it more closely with traditional performance practices. Consequently, this augmented instrument is potentially approachable by a larger number of performers. Improvements in the software, such as in-depth control of the audio routing and a feedback calibration routine, have addressed issues related to the freedom and playability of the system that the authors experienced while working on the previous model. The performance features a new version of the piece ‘WYPYM - Were you a part of your mother?’, for bass clarinet and feedback system. The work explores the relationship between the performer on the augmented bass clarinet and the feedback system, and is based on active listening, constant adaptation, and precarious balance.


Chiara Percivati, and Claudio Panariello. 2024. WYPYM - Were you a part of your mother?. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.15028109

BibTeX Entry

 abstract = {This performance presents, through artistic means, the current state of development of the feedback-augmented bass clarinet—a NIME instrument previously created by the two authors. The performance aims to showcase improvements made to the instrument, both in terms of hardware and software. Regarding hardware and instrument design, after experimenting with different neck extensions realized through CAD and 3D printing—enabling the insertion of our first microphone into the instrument body and a more refined tuning of the instrument—we decided to focus on the use of an intra-mic to capture the bass clarinet sound. This not only ultimately addressed previous issues with tuning, but also enhanced the playability of the feedback-augmented bass clarinet, aligning it more closely with traditional performance practices. Consequently, this augmented instrument is potentially approachable by a larger number of performers. Improvements in the software, such as in-depth control of the audio routing and a feedback calibration routine, have addressed issues related to the freedom and playability of the system that the authors experienced while working on the previous model. The performance features a new version of the piece ‘WYPYM - Were you a part of your mother?’, for bass clarinet and feedback system. The work explores the relationship between the performer on the augmented bass clarinet and the feedback system, and is based on active listening, constant adaptation, and precarious balance.},
 address = {Utrecht, Netherlands},
 articleno = {43},
 author = {Chiara Percivati and Claudio Panariello},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression},
 doi = {10.5281/zenodo.15028109},
 editor = {Laurel Smith Pardue and Palle Dahlstedt},
 issn = {2220-4806},
 month = {September},
 numpages = {5},
 pages = {151--155},
 presentation-video = {},
 title = {WYPYM - Were you a part of your mother?},
 track = {Music},
 url = {http://nime.org/proceedings/2024/nime2024_music_43.pdf},
 year = {2024}