four fragments---A Performance for Swarming Robotics

Yuta Uozumi, Keisuke Oyama, Jun Tomioka, Hiromi Okamoto, and Takayuki Kimura

Music Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression

  • Year: 2012
  • Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.


Program notes: This performance aims to approach the next style of ``mashup'' and/or ``Cut-up'' via fusion of paradigms of artificial-life and turntable. We developed a system named ``SoniCell'' to realize it. SoniCell employs four robots called ``cell''. Each cell behaves as a metaphor of life based on a simple interaction model with prey-predator relationship. Each cell is assigned a music-track in the manner of turntable. Therefore, the system reconstructs and mixes the music-tracks via cells' interactions and performers' interventions. In this framework, the aspects of the system and performers interactions and cells' internal-states create structures of sounds and music from different tracks. Composer(s) Credits: Yuta Uozumi, Keisuke Oyama, Jun Tomioka, Hiromi Okamoto, Takayuki Kimura Instrumentalist(s) Credits: Artist(s) Biography: Yuta Uozumi is a sound artist and agent-base composer was born in the suburbs of Osaka, Japan. He started computer music at the age of fifteen. He received his Ph.D. from Keio University SFC Graduate School of Media and Governance. He is researching and teaching at Tokyo University of Technology. He is studying Multi-Agent based dynamic composition with computer or human ensembles. In 2002 His CD "meme?" was released from Cubicmusic Japan (under the name of SamuraiJazz). In 2003 agent-based musical interface "Chase" was accepted by NIME. It is a collaborative project by system-designer, DSP engineer and performer. In 2005 an application for agent-based composition ``Gismo'' and a piece created with the system ``Chain'' (early version) were accepted by ICMC(International Computer Music Conference). Keisuke Oyama, was born in Kumamoto, Japan on September 19, 1986. He plays various instruments freely in childhood. When he was 18, moved to Tokyo to study jazz theory. After starting his career as a jazz musician, he participated various sessions as a guitarist. Furthermore, his interest covered electro acoustic in the career. He was enrolled at Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus (SFC) to learn method and technique of computer music and media art in 2009. He is exploring the new expression of music. Concert Venue and Time: Necto, Wednesday May 23, 9:00pm


Yuta Uozumi, Keisuke Oyama, Jun Tomioka, Hiromi Okamoto, and Takayuki Kimura. 2012. four fragments---A Performance for Swarming Robotics. Music Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. DOI:

BibTeX Entry

 abstract = {Program notes:

This performance aims to approach the next style of ``mashup'' and/or ``Cut-up'' via fusion of paradigms of artificial-life and turntable. We developed a system named ``SoniCell'' to realize it. SoniCell employs four robots called ``cell''. Each cell behaves as a metaphor of life based on a simple interaction model with prey-predator relationship. Each cell is assigned a music-track in the manner of turntable. Therefore, the system reconstructs and mixes the music-tracks via cells' interactions and performers' interventions. In this framework, the aspects of the system and performers interactions and cells' internal-states create structures of sounds and music from different tracks.

Composer(s) Credits:

Yuta Uozumi, Keisuke Oyama, Jun Tomioka, Hiromi Okamoto, Takayuki Kimura

Instrumentalist(s) Credits:

Artist(s) Biography:

Yuta Uozumi is a sound artist and agent-base composer was born in the suburbs of Osaka, Japan. He started computer music at the age of fifteen. He received his Ph.D. from Keio University SFC Graduate School of Media and Governance. He is researching and teaching at Tokyo University of Technology. He is studying Multi-Agent based dynamic composition with computer or human ensembles. In 2002 His CD "meme?" was released from Cubicmusic Japan (under the name of SamuraiJazz). In 2003 agent-based musical interface "Chase" was accepted by NIME. It is a collaborative project by system-designer, DSP engineer and performer. In 2005 an application for agent-based composition ``Gismo'' and a piece created with the system ``Chain'' (early version) were accepted by ICMC(International Computer Music Conference).

Keisuke Oyama, was born in Kumamoto, Japan on September 19, 1986. He plays various instruments freely in childhood. When he was 18, moved to Tokyo to study jazz theory. After starting his career as a jazz musician, he participated various sessions as a guitarist. Furthermore, his interest covered electro acoustic in the career. He was enrolled at Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus (SFC) to learn method and technique of computer music and media art in 2009. He is exploring the new expression of music.

Concert Venue and Time: Necto, Wednesday May 23, 9:00pm},
 address = {Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.},
 author = {Yuta Uozumi and Keisuke Oyama and Jun Tomioka and Hiromi Okamoto and Takayuki Kimura},
 booktitle = {Music Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression},
 day = {21-23},
 editor = {Georg Essl and Brent Gillespie and Michael Gurevich and Sile O'Modhrain},
 month = {May},
 publisher = {Electrical Engineering \& Computer Science and Performing Arts Technology, University of Michigan},
 title = {four fragments---A Performance for Swarming Robotics},
 year = {2012}