Study No. 1 for Overtone Fiddle
Dan Overholt, and Lars Grausgaard
Music Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression
- Year: 2011
- Location: Oslo, Norway
- PDF Link
Program notes: This generative / improvisatory work uses an iPod Touch and a tactile sound transducer attached to the Overtone Fiddle's resonant body as a mobile system to lay out a variety of animated and transformed sound sources over time. About the performers: Dan Overholt: Associate Professor in the Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology at Aalborg University, Denmark. He received a PhD in Media Arts and Technology from the University of California, Santa Barbara, a M.S. from the MIT Media Lab, and studied Music and Electronics Engineering and at CSU, Chico. As a musician, he composes and performs internationally with experimental human-computer interfaces and musical signal processing algorithms. Lars Graugaard: Free-lance composer, laptop performer and researcher. He holds a PhD in Artistic and Technological Challenges of Interactive Music from Oxford Brookes University and a MS in flute performance from the Royal Danish Academy of Music. His main interest is the systematic study of music's expressive capacity applied to score composing, realtime interactive performance, generative and emergent music.
Dan Overholt, and Lars Grausgaard. 2011. Study No. 1 for Overtone Fiddle. Music Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. DOI:
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{nime2011-music-Overholt2011, abstract = {Program notes: This generative / improvisatory work uses an iPod Touch and a tactile sound transducer attached to the Overtone Fiddle's resonant body as a mobile system to lay out a variety of animated and transformed sound sources over time. About the performers: Dan Overholt: Associate Professor in the Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology at Aalborg University, Denmark. He received a PhD in Media Arts and Technology from the University of California, Santa Barbara, a M.S. from the MIT Media Lab, and studied Music and Electronics Engineering and at CSU, Chico. As a musician, he composes and performs internationally with experimental human-computer interfaces and musical signal processing algorithms. Lars Graugaard: Free-lance composer, laptop performer and researcher. He holds a PhD in Artistic and Technological Challenges of Interactive Music from Oxford Brookes University and a MS in flute performance from the Royal Danish Academy of Music. His main interest is the systematic study of music's expressive capacity applied to score composing, realtime interactive performance, generative and emergent music.}, address = {Oslo, Norway}, author = {Dan Overholt and Lars Grausgaard}, booktitle = {Music Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression}, editor = {Kjell Tore Innervik and Ivar Frounberg}, month = {June}, publisher = {Norwegian Academy of Music}, title = {Study No. 1 for Overtone Fiddle}, url = {}, year = {2011} }