The Shells

Alex Nowitz

Music Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression

  • Year: 2011
  • Location: Oslo, Norway
  • PDF Link


Program notes: Since 2008 I have been performing and composing music for voice and live-electronics using two Wii-remotes as gestural controllers. The live-electronics function in two ways: as an extension of my voice and as an instrument as well. The music creation is mainly based on live-sampling the voice. I also use pre-recorded sounds and my own compositions. In addition, since the beginning of 2010 we have been developing a new instrument, which goes beyond the technical possibilities of the Wii-controllers. I call this instrument the Shells. Besides motion sensors there are three more continuous controllers available: a pressure sensor, a joystick control and ultrasound for distance measurement. About the performers: Alex Nowitz: Composer of vocal, chamber and electronic music as well as music for dance, theatre and opera. Furthermore, he is a voice artist, whistling and singing virtuoso who is classically trained as tenor and countertenor and presents a wide array of diverse and extended techniques. He has been artist in residence at STEIM, Amsterdam, since 2010.


Alex Nowitz. 2011. The Shells. Music Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. DOI:

BibTeX Entry

 abstract = {Program notes:

Since 2008 I have been performing and composing music for voice and live-electronics using two Wii-remotes as gestural controllers. The live-electronics function in two ways: as an extension of my voice and as an instrument as well. The music creation is mainly based on live-sampling the voice. I also use pre-recorded sounds and my own compositions. In addition, since the beginning of 2010 we have been developing a new instrument, which goes beyond the technical possibilities of the Wii-controllers. I call this instrument the Shells. Besides motion sensors there are three more continuous controllers available: a pressure sensor, a joystick control and ultrasound for distance measurement.

About the performers:

Alex Nowitz: Composer of vocal, chamber and electronic music as well as music for dance, theatre and opera. Furthermore, he is a voice artist, whistling and singing virtuoso who is classically trained as tenor and countertenor and presents a wide array of diverse and extended techniques. He has been artist in residence at STEIM, Amsterdam, since 2010.},
 address = {Oslo, Norway},
 author = {Alex Nowitz},
 booktitle = {Music Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression},
 editor = {Kjell Tore Innervik and Ivar Frounberg},
 month = {June},
 publisher = {Norwegian Academy of Music},
 title = {The Shells},
 url = {},
 year = {2011}