BiLE (Birmingham Laptop Ensemble)
Julien Guillamat, Charles Céleste Hutchins, Shelly Knotts, Norah Lorway, Jorge Garcia Moncada, and Chris Tarren
Music Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression
- Year: 2011
- Location: Oslo, Norway
- PDF Link
Program notes: An open playground for laptop improvisation and performance. BiLE's performance will focus on semi-structured improvisation, with players creating and manipulating sound using a variety of motion capture devices - iPhones, Wiimotes, and Xbox Kinect. The data captured by each device, along with analysed musical parameters, will be sent out over the shared network, to be used by each performer as they see fit. The aim is to allow players to latch onto other members of the group by mapping the shared data to their own software parameters, creating moments of convergence between the ensemble. BiLE takes an `instrumental' approach to performance, with each performer having their own speaker, sonic identity and spatial location. About the performers: BiLE (Birmingham Laptop Ensemble): A collaborative group of six composers, brought together through their shared interest in live performance and improvisation. BiLE has an open and inclusive attitude towards experimentation with sound, and draws on the members' wide-ranging musical backgrounds.
Julien Guillamat, Charles Céleste Hutchins, Shelly Knotts, Norah Lorway, Jorge Garcia Moncada, and Chris Tarren. 2011. BiLE (Birmingham Laptop Ensemble). Music Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. DOI:
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{nime2011-music-Guillamat2011, abstract = {Program notes: An open playground for laptop improvisation and performance. BiLE's performance will focus on semi-structured improvisation, with players creating and manipulating sound using a variety of motion capture devices - iPhones, Wiimotes, and Xbox Kinect. The data captured by each device, along with analysed musical parameters, will be sent out over the shared network, to be used by each performer as they see fit. The aim is to allow players to latch onto other members of the group by mapping the shared data to their own software parameters, creating moments of convergence between the ensemble. BiLE takes an `instrumental' approach to performance, with each performer having their own speaker, sonic identity and spatial location. About the performers: BiLE (Birmingham Laptop Ensemble): A collaborative group of six composers, brought together through their shared interest in live performance and improvisation. BiLE has an open and inclusive attitude towards experimentation with sound, and draws on the members' wide-ranging musical backgrounds.}, address = {Oslo, Norway}, author = {Julien Guillamat and Charles Céleste Hutchins and Shelly Knotts and Norah Lorway and Jorge Garcia Moncada and Chris Tarren}, booktitle = {Music Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression}, editor = {Kjell Tore Innervik and Ivar Frounberg}, month = {June}, publisher = {Norwegian Academy of Music}, title = {BiLE (Birmingham Laptop Ensemble)}, url = {}, year = {2011} }