Distributed Composition #1
Doug Van Nort, Pauline Oliveros, and Jonas Braasch
Music Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression
- Year: 2011
- Location: Oslo, Norway
- PDF Link
Program notes: This piece is written in consideration of two distinct paradigms: telematic music performance and human-machine improvisation. Specifically this work is a structured improvisation for three humans and one intelligent agent, being constrained by sections that determine which pairing (duos, trios) of performers are active. Instrumentation also changes between sections in a way that blurs the line of agency and intent between acoustic human performers, laptop tablet-based human performer, and agent improviser, as the two remote (NY, Stanford) acoustic performers (v-accordion, soprano saxophone) engage with the on-stage laptop performer (GREIS system) and ambient presence of the agent performer (spatialization, loops, textures). About the performers: Doug Van Nort: Experimental musician and digital music researcher whose work includes composition, improvisation, interactive system design and cross-disciplinary collaboration. His writings can be found in Organised Sound and Leonardo Music Journal among other publications, and his music is documented on Deep Listening, Pogus and other labels. Pauline Oliveros: (1932) is a composer and improviser, teaches at RPI, plays a Roland V Accordion in solo and ensemble improvisations. Her works are available through download, cassette, CD, DVD, and Vinyl releases. Oliveros founded the Deep Listening Institute, Ltd. based in Kingston NY. Jonas Braasch: Experimental soprano saxophonist and acoustician with interests in Telematic Music and Intelligent Music Systems. He has performed with Curtis Bahn, Chris Chafe, Michael Century, Mark Dresser, Pauline Oliveros, Doug van Nort and Stuart Dempster -- among others. He currently directs the Communication Acoustics and Aural Architecture Research Laboratory at RPI.
Doug Van Nort, Pauline Oliveros, and Jonas Braasch. 2011. Distributed Composition #1. Music Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. DOI:
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{nime2011-music-DougVanNort2011, abstract = {Program notes: This piece is written in consideration of two distinct paradigms: telematic music performance and human-machine improvisation. Specifically this work is a structured improvisation for three humans and one intelligent agent, being constrained by sections that determine which pairing (duos, trios) of performers are active. Instrumentation also changes between sections in a way that blurs the line of agency and intent between acoustic human performers, laptop tablet-based human performer, and agent improviser, as the two remote (NY, Stanford) acoustic performers (v-accordion, soprano saxophone) engage with the on-stage laptop performer (GREIS system) and ambient presence of the agent performer (spatialization, loops, textures). About the performers: Doug Van Nort: Experimental musician and digital music researcher whose work includes composition, improvisation, interactive system design and cross-disciplinary collaboration. His writings can be found in Organised Sound and Leonardo Music Journal among other publications, and his music is documented on Deep Listening, Pogus and other labels. Pauline Oliveros: (1932) is a composer and improviser, teaches at RPI, plays a Roland V Accordion in solo and ensemble improvisations. Her works are available through download, cassette, CD, DVD, and Vinyl releases. Oliveros founded the Deep Listening Institute, Ltd. based in Kingston NY. Jonas Braasch: Experimental soprano saxophonist and acoustician with interests in Telematic Music and Intelligent Music Systems. He has performed with Curtis Bahn, Chris Chafe, Michael Century, Mark Dresser, Pauline Oliveros, Doug van Nort and Stuart Dempster -- among others. He currently directs the Communication Acoustics and Aural Architecture Research Laboratory at RPI.}, address = {Oslo, Norway}, author = {Doug Van Nort and Pauline Oliveros and Jonas Braasch}, booktitle = {Music Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression}, editor = {Kjell Tore Innervik and Ivar Frounberg}, month = {June}, publisher = {Norwegian Academy of Music}, title = {Distributed Composition #1}, url = {https://vimeo.com/27691551}, year = {2011} }