Strike On Stage

Chi-Hsia Lai, and Charles Martin

Music Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression

  • Year: 2010
  • Location: Sydney, Australia


Interactivity between performer and technology is a crucial part of media performance. This is made possible through creative integration of software and hardware devices. The performance work, Strike On Stage, uses such an integration to bridge three aspects of performance: performers' body movements, audio processing, and projected video. For the NIME 2010 concert performance, we are proposing to present a media work composed for the Strike On Stage instrument demonstrating a wide variety of interactions between the two performers, the instrument itself and the video projection. The instrument for Strike On Stage is a large performance surface for multiple players to control computer based musical instruments and visuals. This concept is a new perspective on Chi-Hsia Lai's MPhil research project, Hands On Stage (video documentation can be found at ), which was a solo, audiovisual performance work created during 2007 and 2008.


Chi-Hsia Lai, and Charles Martin. 2010. Strike On Stage. Music Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. DOI:

BibTeX Entry

 abstract = {Interactivity between performer and technology is a crucial part of media performance. This is made possible through creative integration of software and hardware devices. The performance work, Strike On Stage, uses such an integration to bridge three aspects of  performance: performers' body movements, audio processing, and projected video. 

For the NIME 2010 concert performance, we are proposing to present a media work composed for the Strike On Stage instrument demonstrating a wide variety of interactions between the two performers, the instrument itself and the video projection.

The instrument for Strike On Stage is a large performance surface for multiple players to control computer based musical instruments and visuals. This concept is a new perspective on Chi-Hsia Lai's MPhil research project, Hands On Stage (video documentation can be found at ), which was a solo, audiovisual performance work created during 2007 and 2008.},
 address = {Sydney, Australia},
 author = {Chi-Hsia Lai and Charles Martin},
 booktitle = {Music Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression},
 editor = {Andrew Johnston, Sam Ferguson, Jos Mulder, Somaya Langley, Garth Paine, Jon Drummond, Greg Schiemer, Kirsty Beilharz, Roger Mills},
 month = {June},
 publisher = {University of Technology Sydney},
 title = {Strike On Stage},
 year = {2010}