Tempo Transversal – Flauta Expandida
Cassia Carrascoza, and Felipe Merker Castellani
Music Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression
- Year: 2019
- Location: Porto Alegre, Brazil
- Pages: 52–55
- PDF Link
“Tempo Transversal – Flauta Expandida” aims to establish a computer- controlled catalyzer, which simultaneously combines and extends the flutist body actions, electronic sounds and the performative physical space. Some flute performance fragments, captured in real time by video cameras, besides pre-recorded images, built the visual projection. The flute player develops two pieces of experimental music for flute and electronic. All these heterogeneous elements are interrelated with each other in a network mediated by the computer. The result is a continuously unfolded interactive performance, which intends to manipulate settings of space-time perception. Brazilian contemporary repertoire for amplified bass flute and electronic sounds establishes the proposal.
Cassia Carrascoza, and Felipe Merker Castellani. 2019. Tempo Transversal – Flauta Expandida. Music Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. DOI:
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{nime19-music-Carrascoza, abstract = {“Tempo Transversal – Flauta Expandida” aims to establish a computer- controlled catalyzer, which simultaneously combines and extends the flutist body actions, electronic sounds and the performative physical space. Some flute performance fragments, captured in real time by video cameras, besides pre-recorded images, built the visual projection. The flute player develops two pieces of experimental music for flute and electronic. All these heterogeneous elements are interrelated with each other in a network mediated by the computer. The result is a continuously unfolded interactive performance, which intends to manipulate settings of space-time perception. Brazilian contemporary repertoire for amplified bass flute and electronic sounds establishes the proposal.}, address = {Porto Alegre, Brazil}, author = {Cassia Carrascoza and Felipe Merker Castellani}, booktitle = {Music Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression}, editor = {Federico Visi}, month = {June}, pages = {52--55}, publisher = {UFRGS}, title = {Tempo Transversal – Flauta Expandida}, url = {http://www.nime.org/proceedings/2019/nime2019_music014.pdf}, year = {2019} }