Aura: Presence/ without$^*$ Manual

Esther Lemi, and Jan Schacher

Installation Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression

  • Year: 2012
  • Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.


Program notes: ``Aura: Presence/without$^*$ Manual'' is a soundsculpture which functions as a transducer converting motion into sound in the form of a pendulum. The loudspeaker becomes the interactive means through which movement can become sound. Its internal functions corresponds to the behaviour of the human element. The live-object is built to react to its human counterpart in order to achieve the lightness of a sound-element in flux. With the hand as a source, the visual aspect of the object`s motion and the acoustic are combined with the movement and result in creating acoustic and visual correspondences. These correpondences enable the comprehension of a system which is created by the interaction itself, a game of balance which can keep us immersed in a minimum amount of information. Artist(s) Biography: Esther Lemi has been acknowledged for her audio/ visual works and performances, and remains active in total-art work projects in the field of art and the perception of reality. Her projects have been presented at the 3rd Athens Biennial, Kubus ZKM Karlsruhe, Athens Music Hall, 11th and 12th BjCEM Association Biennale des Jeunes Créateurs Europe (as both music-composer and visual artist), and she has participated in the theatrical Scene of Berlin as member of Ilona Zarypow`s ``Talking Bodies'' performance group. Having studied at Athens University (Ph.D), Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology, ZHdK (CAS in Computer-Music), Institute for Art in Context UdK Berlin (Master of Arts), University of Arts in Athens, Athens Conservatory and Patras Music School (Diploma in Painting, Music-Composition and Piano). Aura is her currently research Project in ICST, Zurich. Jan Schacher: A doublebass-player, composer and digital artist, Jan Schacher ( is active in electronic and exploratory music, in jazz, contemporary music, performance and installation art as well as writing music for chamber-ensembles, theatre and film. His main focus is on works combining digital sound and images, abstract graphics and experimental video in the field of electro-acoustic music and in mixed-media projects for the stage and in installations. Jan Schacher has been invited as artist and lecturer to numerous cultural and academic institutions and has presented installations in galleries and performances in clubs and at festivals such as Résonance Festival (Paris), Sonar Festival (Barcelona), Transmediale Festival (Berlin), the Holland Festival (Amsterdam) and many other venues throughout Europe, North America, Australia and Asia.


Esther Lemi, and Jan Schacher. 2012. Aura: Presence/ without$^*$ Manual. Installation Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. DOI:

BibTeX Entry

 abstract = {Program notes:

``Aura: Presence/without$^*$ Manual'' is a soundsculpture which functions as a transducer converting motion into sound in the form of a pendulum. The loudspeaker becomes the interactive means through which movement can become sound. Its internal functions corresponds to the behaviour of the human element. The live-object is built to react to its human counterpart in order to achieve the lightness of a sound-element in flux.
With the hand as a source, the visual aspect of the object`s motion and the acoustic are combined with the movement and result in creating acoustic and visual correspondences. These correpondences enable the comprehension of a system which is created by the interaction itself, a game of balance which can keep us immersed in a minimum amount of information.

Artist(s) Biography:
Esther Lemi has been acknowledged for her audio/ visual works and performances, and remains active in total-art work projects in the field of art and the perception of reality. Her projects have been presented at the 3rd Athens Biennial, Kubus ZKM Karlsruhe, Athens Music Hall, 11th and 12th BjCEM Association Biennale des Jeunes Cr\'{e}ateurs Europe (as both music-composer and visual artist), and she has participated in the theatrical Scene of Berlin as member of Ilona Zarypow`s ``Talking Bodies'' performance group. Having studied at Athens University (Ph.D), Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology, ZHdK (CAS in Computer-Music), Institute for Art in Context UdK Berlin (Master of Arts), University of Arts in Athens, Athens Conservatory and Patras Music School (Diploma in Painting, Music-Composition and Piano). Aura is her currently research Project in ICST, Zurich.

Jan Schacher: A doublebass-player, composer and digital artist, Jan Schacher ( is active in electronic and exploratory music, in jazz, contemporary music, performance and installation art as well as writing music for chamber-ensembles, theatre and film. His main focus is on works combining digital sound and images, abstract graphics and experimental video in the field of electro-acoustic music and in mixed-media projects for the stage and in installations.
Jan Schacher has been invited as artist and lecturer to numerous cultural and academic institutions and has presented installations in galleries and performances in clubs and at festivals such as R\'{e}sonance Festival (Paris), Sonar Festival (Barcelona), Transmediale Festival (Berlin), the Holland Festival (Amsterdam) and many other venues throughout Europe, North America, Australia and Asia.},
 address = {Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.},
 author = {Esther Lemi and Jan Schacher},
 booktitle = {Installation Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression},
 day = {21-23},
 editor = {Georg Essl and Brent Gillespie and Michael Gurevich and Sile O'Modhrain},
 month = {May},
 publisher = {Electrical Engineering \& Computer Science and Performing Arts Technology, University of Michigan},
 title = {Aura: Presence/ without$^*$ Manual},
 year = {2012}