Being (A)part of NIME: Embracing Latin American Perspectives
Juan Pablo Martinez Avila, Joāo Tragtenberg, Filipe Calegario, Ximena Alarcon, Laddy Patricia Cadavid Hinojosa, Isabela Corintha, Teodoro Dannemann, Javier Jaimovich, Adnan Marquez-Borbon, Martin Matus Lerner, Miguel Ortiz, Juan Ramos, and Hugo Solís García
Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression
- Year: 2022
- Location: The University of Auckland, New Zealand
- Article Number: 31
- DOI: 10.21428/92fbeb44.b7a7ba4f (Link to paper)
- PDF link
- Presentation Video
Latin American (LATAM) contributions to Music Technology date back to the early 1940’s. However, as evidenced in historical analyses of NIME, the input from LATAM institutions to its proceedings is considerably low, even when the conference was recently held in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Reflecting on this visible disparity and joining efforts as a group of LATAM researchers, we conducted a workshop and distributed a survey with members of the LATAM community with the aim of sounding out their perspectives on NIME-related practices and the prospect of establishing a LATAM NIME Network. Based on our findings we provide a contemporary contextual overview of the activities happening in LATAM and the particular challenges that practitioners face emerging from their socio-political reality. We also offer LATAM perspectives on critical epistemological issues that affect the NIME community as a whole, contributing to a pluriversal view on these matters, and to the embracement of multiple realities and ways of doing things.
Juan Pablo Martinez Avila, Joāo Tragtenberg, Filipe Calegario, Ximena Alarcon, Laddy Patricia Cadavid Hinojosa, Isabela Corintha, Teodoro Dannemann, Javier Jaimovich, Adnan Marquez-Borbon, Martin Matus Lerner, Miguel Ortiz, Juan Ramos, and Hugo Solís García. 2022. Being (A)part of NIME: Embracing Latin American Perspectives. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. DOI: 10.21428/92fbeb44.b7a7ba4f
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{NIME22_31, abstract = {Latin American (LATAM) contributions to Music Technology date back to the early 1940’s. However, as evidenced in historical analyses of NIME, the input from LATAM institutions to its proceedings is considerably low, even when the conference was recently held in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Reflecting on this visible disparity and joining efforts as a group of LATAM researchers, we conducted a workshop and distributed a survey with members of the LATAM community with the aim of sounding out their perspectives on NIME-related practices and the prospect of establishing a LATAM NIME Network. Based on our findings we provide a contemporary contextual overview of the activities happening in LATAM and the particular challenges that practitioners face emerging from their socio-political reality. We also offer LATAM perspectives on critical epistemological issues that affect the NIME community as a whole, contributing to a pluriversal view on these matters, and to the embracement of multiple realities and ways of doing things.}, address = {The University of Auckland, New Zealand}, articleno = {31}, author = {Martinez Avila, Juan Pablo and Tragtenberg, Jo{\=a}o and Calegario, Filipe and Alarcon, Ximena and Cadavid Hinojosa, Laddy Patricia and Corintha, Isabela and Dannemann, Teodoro and Jaimovich, Javier and Marquez-Borbon, Adnan and Lerner, Martin Matus and Ortiz, Miguel and Ramos, Juan and Sol{\'{i}}s Garc{\'{i}}a, Hugo}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression}, doi = {10.21428/92fbeb44.b7a7ba4f}, issn = {2220-4806}, month = {jun}, pdf = {21.pdf}, presentation-video = {}, title = {Being (A)part of NIME: Embracing Latin American Perspectives}, url = {}, year = {2022} }