A Compositional Exploration of Computational Aesthetic Evaluation and AI Bias.

Artemi-Maria Gioti

Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression


This paper describes a subversive compositional approach to machine learning, focused on the exploration of AI bias and computational aesthetic evaluation. In Bias, for bass clarinet and Interactive Music System, a computer music system using two Neural Networks trained to develop “aesthetic bias” interacts with the musician by evaluating the sound input based on its “subjective” aesthetic judgments. The composition problematizes the discrepancies between the concepts of error and accuracy, associated with supervised machine learning, and aesthetic judgments as inherently subjective and intangible. The methods used in the compositional process are discussed with respect to the objective of balancing the trade-off between musical authorship and interpretative freedom in interactive musical works.


Artemi-Maria Gioti. 2021. A Compositional Exploration of Computational Aesthetic Evaluation and AI Bias.. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. DOI: 10.21428/92fbeb44.de74b046

BibTeX Entry

 abstract = {This paper describes a subversive compositional approach to machine learning, focused on the exploration of AI bias and computational aesthetic evaluation. In Bias, for bass clarinet and Interactive Music System, a computer music system using two Neural Networks trained to develop “aesthetic bias” interacts with the musician by evaluating the sound input based on its “subjective” aesthetic judgments. The composition problematizes the discrepancies between the concepts of error and accuracy, associated with supervised machine learning, and aesthetic judgments as inherently subjective and intangible. The methods used in the compositional process are discussed with respect to the objective of balancing the trade-off between musical authorship and interpretative freedom in interactive musical works.},
 address = {Shanghai, China},
 articleno = {69},
 author = {Gioti, Artemi-Maria},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression},
 doi = {10.21428/92fbeb44.de74b046},
 issn = {2220-4806},
 month = {June},
 presentation-video = {https://youtu.be/9l8NeGmvpDU},
 title = {A Compositional Exploration of Computational Aesthetic Evaluation and AI Bias.},
 url = {https://nime.pubpub.org/pub/zpvgmv74},
 year = {2021}