Self-resonating Vibrotactile Feedback Instruments ||: Making, Playing, Conceptualising :||

Alice Eldridge, Chris Kiefer, Dan Overholt, and Halldor Ulfarsson

Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression


Self-resonating vibrotactile instruments (SRIs) are hybrid feedback instruments, characterised by an electro-mechanical feedback loop that is both the means of sound production and the expressive interface. Through the lens of contemporary SRIs, we reflect on how they are characterised, designed, and played. By considering reports from designers and players of this species of instrument-performance system, we explore the experience of playing them. With a view to supporting future research and practice in the field, we illustrate the value of conceptualising SRIs in Cybernetic and systems theoretic terms and suggest that this offers an intuitive, yet powerful basis for future performance, analysis and making; in doing so we close the loop in the making, playing and conceptualisation of SRIs with the aim of nourishing the evolution of theory, creative and technical practice in this field.


Alice Eldridge, Chris Kiefer, Dan Overholt, and Halldor Ulfarsson. 2021. Self-resonating Vibrotactile Feedback Instruments ||: Making, Playing, Conceptualising :||. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. DOI: 10.21428/92fbeb44.1f29a09e

BibTeX Entry:

 abstract = {Self-resonating vibrotactile instruments (SRIs) are hybrid feedback instruments, characterised by an electro-mechanical feedback loop that is both the means of sound production and the expressive interface. Through the lens of contemporary SRIs, we reflect on how they are characterised, designed, and played. By considering reports from designers and players of this species of instrument-performance system, we explore the experience of playing them. With a view to supporting future research and practice in the field, we illustrate the value of conceptualising SRIs in Cybernetic and systems theoretic terms and suggest that this offers an intuitive, yet powerful basis for future performance, analysis and making; in doing so we close the loop in the making, playing and conceptualisation of SRIs with the aim of nourishing the evolution of theory, creative and technical practice in this field.},
 address = {Shanghai, China},
 articleno = {54},
 author = {Eldridge, Alice and Kiefer, Chris and Overholt, Dan and Ulfarsson, Halldor},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression},
 doi = {10.21428/92fbeb44.1f29a09e},
 issn = {2220-4806},
 month = {June},
 presentation-video = {},
 title = {Self-resonating Vibrotactile Feedback Instruments {\textbar}{\textbar}: Making, Playing, Conceptualising :{\textbar}{\textbar}},
 url = {},
 year = {2021}