FAUST Multiplatform toolbox for Body Brain Digital Musical Instruments
David Fierro, Alain Bonardi, and Atau Tanaka
Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression
- Year: 2023
- Location: Mexico City, Mexico
- Track: Papers
- Pages: 486–493
- Article Number: 67
- DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11189256 (Link to paper)
- PDF link
This article presents new tools developed in FAUST language to create musical interactions using electrophysiological signals as input. The developed tools are centered around signal processing and simulation of electrophysiological signals. These techniques are used to clean and process the electrophysiological signals and subsequently provide real-time interactions to feed the control of sound processes. The system provides modules that are highly musically expressive especially in the domain of spatial sound. These tools also allow to set up a testing environment by replacing the need of electrophysiological capturing devices. The findings of this exploration provide a better understanding of how the FAUST language can be used in conjunction with electrophysiological signals and exposes interesting opportunities to explore further possibilities in music creation in an open source environment with the possibility of multitarget compilation, allowing our modules to be used either in such softwares as Max or embedded on microcontrollers.
David Fierro, Alain Bonardi, and Atau Tanaka. 2023. FAUST Multiplatform toolbox for Body Brain Digital Musical Instruments. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11189256
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{nime2023_67, abstract = {This article presents new tools developed in FAUST language to create musical interactions using electrophysiological signals as input. The developed tools are centered around signal processing and simulation of electrophysiological signals. These techniques are used to clean and process the electrophysiological signals and subsequently provide real-time interactions to feed the control of sound processes. The system provides modules that are highly musically expressive especially in the domain of spatial sound. These tools also allow to set up a testing environment by replacing the need of electrophysiological capturing devices. The findings of this exploration provide a better understanding of how the FAUST language can be used in conjunction with electrophysiological signals and exposes interesting opportunities to explore further possibilities in music creation in an open source environment with the possibility of multitarget compilation, allowing our modules to be used either in such softwares as Max or embedded on microcontrollers.}, address = {Mexico City, Mexico}, articleno = {67}, author = {David Fierro and Alain Bonardi and Atau Tanaka}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.11189256}, editor = {Miguel Ortiz and Adnan Marquez-Borbon}, issn = {2220-4806}, month = {May}, numpages = {8}, pages = {486--493}, title = {FAUST Multiplatform toolbox for Body Brain Digital Musical Instruments}, track = {Papers}, url = {http://nime.org/proceedings/2023/nime2023_67.pdf}, year = {2023} }