BeatJockey : A New Tool for Enhancing DJ Skills
Pablo Molina, Martín Haro, and Sergi Jordà
Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression
- Year: 2011
- Location: Oslo, Norway
- Pages: 288–291
- Keywords: DJ, music information retrieval, audio mosaicing, percussion, turntable, beat-mash, interactive music interfaces, realtime, tabletop interaction, reactable.
- DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1178113 (Link to paper)
- PDF link
We present BeatJockey, a prototype interface which makesuse of Audio Mosaicing (AM), beat-tracking and machinelearning techniques, for supporting Diskjockeys (DJs) byproposing them new ways of interaction with the songs onthe DJ's playlist. This prototype introduces a new paradigmto DJing in which the user has the capability to mix songsinteracting with beat-units that accompany the DJ's mix.For this type of interaction, the system suggests song slicestaken from songs selected from a playlist, which could gowell with the beats of whatever master song is being played.In addition the system allows the synchronization of multiple songs, thus permitting flexible, coherent and rapid progressions in the DJ's mix. BeatJockey uses the Reactable,a musical tangible user interface (TUI), and it has beendesigned to be used by all DJs regardless of their level ofexpertise, as the system helps the novice while bringing newcreative opportunities to the expert.
Pablo Molina, Martín Haro, and Sergi Jordà. 2011. BeatJockey : A New Tool for Enhancing DJ Skills. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1178113
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{Molina2011, abstract = {We present BeatJockey, a prototype interface which makesuse of Audio Mosaicing (AM), beat-tracking and machinelearning techniques, for supporting Diskjockeys (DJs) byproposing them new ways of interaction with the songs onthe DJ's playlist. This prototype introduces a new paradigmto DJing in which the user has the capability to mix songsinteracting with beat-units that accompany the DJ's mix.For this type of interaction, the system suggests song slicestaken from songs selected from a playlist, which could gowell with the beats of whatever master song is being played.In addition the system allows the synchronization of multiple songs, thus permitting flexible, coherent and rapid progressions in the DJ's mix. BeatJockey uses the Reactable,a musical tangible user interface (TUI), and it has beendesigned to be used by all DJs regardless of their level ofexpertise, as the system helps the novice while bringing newcreative opportunities to the expert.}, address = {Oslo, Norway}, author = {Molina, Pablo and Haro, Mart\'{\i}n and Jord\`{a}, Sergi}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.1178113}, issn = {2220-4806}, keywords = {DJ, music information retrieval, audio mosaicing, percussion, turntable, beat-mash, interactive music interfaces, realtime, tabletop interaction, reactable. }, pages = {288--291}, title = {BeatJockey : A New Tool for Enhancing DJ Skills}, url = {}, year = {2011} }