VOSIS: a Multi-touch Image Sonification Interface

Ryan McGee

Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression


VOSIS is an interactive image sonification interface that creates complexwavetables by raster scanning greyscale image pixel data. Using a multi-touchscreen to play image regions of unique frequency content rather than a linearscale of frequencies, it becomes a unique performance tool for experimental andvisual music. A number of image filters controlled by multi-touch gestures addvariation to the sound palette. On a mobile device, parameters controlled bythe accelerometer add another layer expressivity to the resulting audio-visualmontages.


Ryan McGee. 2013. VOSIS: a Multi-touch Image Sonification Interface. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1178604

BibTeX Entry

 abstract = {VOSIS is an interactive image sonification interface that creates complexwavetables by raster scanning greyscale image pixel data. Using a multi-touchscreen to play image regions of unique frequency content rather than a linearscale of frequencies, it becomes a unique performance tool for experimental andvisual music. A number of image filters controlled by multi-touch gestures addvariation to the sound palette. On a mobile device, parameters controlled bythe accelerometer add another layer expressivity to the resulting audio-visualmontages.},
 address = {Daejeon, Republic of Korea},
 author = {Ryan McGee},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression},
 doi = {10.5281/zenodo.1178604},
 issn = {2220-4806},
 keywords = {image sonification, multi-touch, visual music},
 month = {May},
 pages = {460--463},
 publisher = {Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST},
 title = {VOSIS: a Multi-touch Image Sonification Interface},
 url = {http://www.nime.org/proceedings/2013/nime2013_310.pdf},
 year = {2013}