Mary Had a Little scoreTable* or the reacTable* Goes Melodic
Sergi Jordà, and Marcos Alonso
Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression
- Year: 2006
- Location: Paris, France
- Pages: 208–211
- Keywords: Musical instrument, Collaborative Music, Computer Supported Collaborative Work, Tangible User Interface, Music Theory.
- DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1176855 (Link to paper)
- PDF link
This paper introduces the scoreTable*, a tangible interactive music score editor which started as a simple application for demoing "traditional" approaches to music creation, using the reacTable* technology, and which has evolved into an independent research project on its own. After a brief discussion on the role of pitch in music, we present a brief overview of related tangible music editors, and discuss several paradigms in computer music creation, contrasting synchronous with asynchronous approaches. The final part of the paper describes the current state of the scoreTable* as well as its future lines of research.
Sergi Jordà, and Marcos Alonso. 2006. Mary Had a Little scoreTable* or the reacTable* Goes Melodic. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1176855
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{Jorda2006, abstract = {This paper introduces the scoreTable*, a tangible interactive music score editor which started as a simple application for demoing "traditional" approaches to music creation, using the reacTable* technology, and which has evolved into an independent research project on its own. After a brief discussion on the role of pitch in music, we present a brief overview of related tangible music editors, and discuss several paradigms in computer music creation, contrasting synchronous with asynchronous approaches. The final part of the paper describes the current state of the scoreTable* as well as its future lines of research.}, address = {Paris, France}, author = {Jord\`{a}, Sergi and Alonso, Marcos}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.1176855}, issn = {2220-4806}, keywords = {Musical instrument, Collaborative Music, Computer Supported Collaborative Work, Tangible User Interface, Music Theory. }, pages = {208--211}, title = {Mary Had a Little scoreTable* or the reacTable* Goes Melodic}, url = {}, year = {2006} }