Updating the Classifications of Mobile Music Projects
David John
Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression
- Year: 2013
- Location: Daejeon, Republic of Korea
- Pages: 301–306
- Keywords: Mobile Music, interactive music, proximity sensing, wearable devices, mobile phone performance, interaction design
- DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1178568 (Link to paper)
- PDF link
This paper reviews the mobile music projects that have been presented at NIMEin the past ten years in order to assess whether the changes in technology haveaffected the activities of mobile music research. An overview of mobile musicprojects is presented using the categories that describe the main activities:projects that explore the influence and make use of location; applications thatshare audio or promote collaborative composition; interaction using wearabledevices; the use of mobile phones as performance devices; projects that exploreHCI design issues. The relative activity between different types of activity isassessed in order to identify trends. The classification according totechnological, social or geographic showed an overwhelming bias to thetechnological, followed by social investigations. An alternative classificationof survey product, or artifact reveals an increase in the number of productsdescribed with a corresponding decline in the number of surveys and artisticprojects. The increase in technical papers appears to be due to an enthusiasmto make use of increased capability of mobile phones, although there are signsthat the initial interest has already peaked, and researchers are againinterested to explore technologies and artistic expression beyond existingmobile phones.
David John. 2013. Updating the Classifications of Mobile Music Projects. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1178568
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{John2013, abstract = {This paper reviews the mobile music projects that have been presented at NIMEin the past ten years in order to assess whether the changes in technology haveaffected the activities of mobile music research. An overview of mobile musicprojects is presented using the categories that describe the main activities:projects that explore the influence and make use of location; applications thatshare audio or promote collaborative composition; interaction using wearabledevices; the use of mobile phones as performance devices; projects that exploreHCI design issues. The relative activity between different types of activity isassessed in order to identify trends. The classification according totechnological, social or geographic showed an overwhelming bias to thetechnological, followed by social investigations. An alternative classificationof survey product, or artifact reveals an increase in the number of productsdescribed with a corresponding decline in the number of surveys and artisticprojects. The increase in technical papers appears to be due to an enthusiasmto make use of increased capability of mobile phones, although there are signsthat the initial interest has already peaked, and researchers are againinterested to explore technologies and artistic expression beyond existingmobile phones.}, address = {Daejeon, Republic of Korea}, author = {David John}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.1178568}, issn = {2220-4806}, keywords = {Mobile Music, interactive music, proximity sensing, wearable devices, mobile phone performance, interaction design}, month = {May}, pages = {301--306}, publisher = {Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST}, title = {Updating the Classifications of Mobile Music Projects}, url = {http://www.nime.org/proceedings/2013/nime2013_273.pdf}, year = {2013} }