From Mozart to MIDI : A Rule System for Expressive Articulation
Tilo Hähnel
Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression
- Year: 2010
- Location: Sydney, Australia
- Pages: 72–75
- Keywords: Articulation, Historically Informed Performance, Expres- sive Performance, Synthetic Performance
- DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1177787 (Link to paper)
- PDF link
The propriety of articulation, especially of notes that lackannotations, is influenced by the origin of the particularmusic. This paper presents a rule system for articulationderived from late Baroque and early Classic treatises on performance. Expressive articulation, in this respect, is understood as a combination of alterable tone features like duration, loudness, and timbre. The model differentiates globalcharacteristics and local particularities, provides a generalframework for human-like music performances, and, therefore, serves as a basis for further and more complex rulesystems.
Tilo Hähnel. 2010. From Mozart to MIDI : A Rule System for Expressive Articulation. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1177787
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{Hahnel2010, abstract = {The propriety of articulation, especially of notes that lackannotations, is influenced by the origin of the particularmusic. This paper presents a rule system for articulationderived from late Baroque and early Classic treatises on performance. Expressive articulation, in this respect, is understood as a combination of alterable tone features like duration, loudness, and timbre. The model differentiates globalcharacteristics and local particularities, provides a generalframework for human-like music performances, and, therefore, serves as a basis for further and more complex rulesystems.}, address = {Sydney, Australia}, author = {H\''{a}hnel, Tilo}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.1177787}, issn = {2220-4806}, keywords = {Articulation, Historically Informed Performance, Expres- sive Performance, Synthetic Performance}, pages = {72--75}, title = {From Mozart to {MIDI} : A Rule System for Expressive Articulation}, url = {}, year = {2010} }