DeviceCycle : Rapid and Reusable Prototyping of Gestural Interfaces, Applied to Audio Browsing by Similarity

Christian Frisson, Benoît Macq, Stéphane Dupont, Xavier Siebert, Damien Tardieu, and Thierry Dutoit

Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression


This paper presents the development of rapid and reusablegestural interface prototypes for navigation by similarity inan audio database and for sound manipulation, using theAudioCycle application. For this purpose, we propose andfollow guidelines for rapid prototyping that we apply usingthe PureData visual programming environment. We havemainly developed three prototypes of manual control: onecombining a 3D mouse and a jog wheel, a second featuring a force-feedback 3D mouse, and a third taking advantage of the multitouch trackpad. We discuss benefits andshortcomings we experienced while prototyping using thisapproach.


Christian Frisson, Benoît Macq, Stéphane Dupont, Xavier Siebert, Damien Tardieu, and Thierry Dutoit. 2010. DeviceCycle : Rapid and Reusable Prototyping of Gestural Interfaces, Applied to Audio Browsing by Similarity. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1177771

BibTeX Entry:

 abstract = {This paper presents the development of rapid and reusablegestural interface prototypes for navigation by similarity inan audio database and for sound manipulation, using theAudioCycle application. For this purpose, we propose andfollow guidelines for rapid prototyping that we apply usingthe PureData visual programming environment. We havemainly developed three prototypes of manual control: onecombining a 3D mouse and a jog wheel, a second featuring a force-feedback 3D mouse, and a third taking advantage of the multitouch trackpad. We discuss benefits andshortcomings we experienced while prototyping using thisapproach.},
 address = {Sydney, Australia},
 author = {Frisson, Christian and Macq, Beno{\^i}t and Dupont, St\'{e}phane and Siebert, Xavier and Tardieu, Damien and Dutoit, Thierry},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression},
 doi = {10.5281/zenodo.1177771},
 issn = {2220-4806},
 keywords = {Human-computer interaction, gestural interfaces, rapid prototyping, browsing by similarity, audio database},
 pages = {473--476},
 title = {DeviceCycle : Rapid and Reusable Prototyping of Gestural Interfaces, Applied to Audio Browsing by Similarity},
 url = {},
 year = {2010}