Gluisax : Bent Leather Band's Augmented Saxophone Project

Stuart Favilla, Joanne Cannon, Tony Hicks, Dale Chant, and Paris Favilla

Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression


This demonstration presents three new augmented and metasaxophone interface/instruments, built by the Bent LeatherBand. The instruments are designed for virtuosic liveperformance and make use of Sukandar Kartadinata's Gluion[OSC] interfaces. The project rationale and research outcomesfor the first twelve months is discussed. Instruments/interfacesdescribed include the Gluisop, Gluialto and Leathersop.


Stuart Favilla, Joanne Cannon, Tony Hicks, Dale Chant, and Paris Favilla. 2008. Gluisax : Bent Leather Band's Augmented Saxophone Project. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1179531

BibTeX Entry:

 abstract = {This demonstration presents three new augmented and metasaxophone interface/instruments, built by the Bent LeatherBand. The instruments are designed for virtuosic liveperformance and make use of Sukandar Kartadinata's Gluion[OSC] interfaces. The project rationale and research outcomesfor the first twelve months is discussed. Instruments/interfacesdescribed include the Gluisop, Gluialto and Leathersop.},
 address = {Genoa, Italy},
 author = {Favilla, Stuart and Cannon, Joanne and Hicks, Tony and Chant, Dale and Favilla, Paris},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression},
 doi = {10.5281/zenodo.1179531},
 issn = {2220-4806},
 keywords = {Augmented saxophone, Gluion, OSC, virtuosic performance systems },
 pages = {366--369},
 title = {Gluisax : Bent Leather Band's Augmented Saxophone Project},
 url = {},
 year = {2008}