Muscular Interactions. Combining EMG and MMG sensing for musical practice
Marco Donnarumma, Baptiste Caramiaux, and Atau Tanaka
Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression
- Year: 2013
- Location: Daejeon, Republic of Korea
- Pages: 128–131
- Keywords: NIME, sensorimotor system, EMG, MMG, biosignal, multimodal, mapping
- DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1178504 (Link to paper)
- PDF link
We present the first combined use of the electromyogram (EMG) andmechanomyogram (MMG), two biosignals that result from muscular activity, forinteractive music applications. We exploit differences between these twosignals, as reported in the biomedical literature, to create bi-modalsonification and sound synthesis mappings that allow performers to distinguishthe two components in a single complex arm gesture. We study non-expertplayers' ability to articulate the different modalities. Results show thatpurposely designed gestures and mapping techniques enable novices to rapidlylearn to independently control the two biosignals.
Marco Donnarumma, Baptiste Caramiaux, and Atau Tanaka. 2013. Muscular Interactions. Combining EMG and MMG sensing for musical practice. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1178504
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{Donnarumma2013, abstract = {We present the first combined use of the electromyogram (EMG) andmechanomyogram (MMG), two biosignals that result from muscular activity, forinteractive music applications. We exploit differences between these twosignals, as reported in the biomedical literature, to create bi-modalsonification and sound synthesis mappings that allow performers to distinguishthe two components in a single complex arm gesture. We study non-expertplayers' ability to articulate the different modalities. Results show thatpurposely designed gestures and mapping techniques enable novices to rapidlylearn to independently control the two biosignals.}, address = {Daejeon, Republic of Korea}, author = {Marco Donnarumma and Baptiste Caramiaux and Atau Tanaka}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.1178504}, issn = {2220-4806}, keywords = {NIME, sensorimotor system, EMG, MMG, biosignal, multimodal, mapping}, month = {May}, pages = {128--131}, publisher = {Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST}, title = {Muscular Interactions. Combining {EMG} and MMG sensing for musical practice}, url = {}, year = {2013} }