Fourteen Years of NIME: The Value and Meaning of `Community' in Interactive Music Research

Adnan Marquez-Borbon, and Paul Stapleton

Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression


This paper examines the notion of community as commonly employed within NIME discourses. Our aim is to clarify and define the term through the community of practice framework. We argue that through its formal use and application, the notion of community becomes a significant space for the examination of emergent musical practices that could otherwise be overlooked. This paper defines community of practice, as originally developed in the social sciences by Lave and Wegener, and applies it within the NIME context through the examination of existing communities of practice such as the laptop performance community, laptop orchestras, as well as the Satellite CCRMA and Patchblocks communities.


Adnan Marquez-Borbon, and Paul Stapleton. 2015. Fourteen Years of NIME: The Value and Meaning of `Community' in Interactive Music Research. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1179128

BibTeX Entry:

 abstract = {This paper examines the notion of community as commonly employed within NIME discourses. Our aim is to clarify and define the term through the community of practice framework. We argue that through its formal use and application, the notion of community becomes a significant space for the examination of emergent musical practices that could otherwise be overlooked. This paper defines community of practice, as originally developed in the social sciences by Lave and Wegener, and applies it within the NIME context through the examination of existing communities of practice such as the laptop performance community, laptop orchestras, as well as the Satellite CCRMA and Patchblocks communities. },
 address = {Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA},
 author = {Adnan Marquez-Borbon and Paul Stapleton},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression},
 doi = {10.5281/zenodo.1179128},
 editor = {Edgar Berdahl and Jesse Allison},
 issn = {2220-4806},
 month = {May},
 pages = {307--312},
 publisher = {Louisiana State University},
 title = {Fourteen Years of NIME: The Value and Meaning of `Community' in Interactive Music Research},
 url = {},
 year = {2015}